The gender

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It had been a month and a half since the day y/n and her mother got in an argument because Georgie and y/n had stopped at Chi-Chi's to eat. It also meant she was 2 and a half months pregnant.

Y/n was heading to the doctors office with Connie for her annual checkup and to find out the baby's gender.

"I'm so nervous to know the gender but so excited at the same time" y/and saiid, with excitement in her voice.

"I can tell" Connie said, while watching the road.

They got to the office and not long after, they were called in the back.

"Hello again, y/n. How are you?" Dr. Brass asked. "You didn't bring the father this time I see." He added.

"Hi, I'm doin' okay. And he's at work, and he doesn't wanna know the gender" y/n said.

"Yeah, he's savin' up for the little munchkin" Connie said.

"Alright, first I'm gonna do the checkup then the ultrasound" Dr. Brass said.

After the checkup he put gel on y/n's tummy.

"Lookey here, this is the head, this is a foot, that's a little hand." He adjusted the thingy (i don't know what they're called) to see the gender.

"And the gender is..." He said examining the screen. "A boy" he added.

"Oh, now I gotta think of boy names. I was thinking girls because I thought it'd be a girl" y/n said.

After they left the doctors office they went out to eat then to meet up with Georgie at the Laundromat.

"Hey sexy mama" Georgie said to y/n. While wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek.

"Hey honey" y/n responded. Wrapping her arms around his neck. "You're gonna be shocked at what we're having" y/n added, with excitement.

"Don't tell me, I want it to be a surprise" Georgie said.

"I know, I know you bummer. I'm just do excited" y/n said.

"You're gonna have your hands full with that kid" Connie said to them before walking to the secret room.

"I'm hungry, lets go get food" Georgie said.

"Connie and I already ate" y/n said "but if we go somewhere where there's milkshakes I'll go. I've been craving milkshakes all day" y/n added.

"Alright, let's go then" Georgie said, taking y/n's hand and heading to a restaurant that had milkshakes.

Once they got there they got a table for two. Georgie ordered a hamburger, fries, a soda, and a chocolate milkshake. Y/n ordered fries and a vanilla milkshake. She only got fries to dip in her milkshake.

"That's weird" Georgie said. "Is it one of those cravings your having that's causing you to dip the fries in the milkshake?"

"No, I just like to dip fries in vanilla milkshakes" y/n said. Eating her fries.

"Okay, weirdo" Georgie said, taking a big bite out of his hamburger.

"I'm not weird, it's just an opinion of matter. I like something you don't. Nothin wrong with that" y/n said, dipping a fry in the milkshake.

"And it's my opinion that that's weird" Georgie said.

"I know, just don't call me weird. I don't call you weird for using the bathroom in the garage sink" Y/n said, with a little discust in her voice.

"Eh, true. I'll quit. But hey" Georgie said, reaching to grab y/n's hand.

"Yeah?" Y/n asked, confused but taking his hand.

"I love you" he said, bringing her hand up and kissing it.

"I love you too, Georgie" y/n said, turning red.

After they were done eating, they went to see a The Parent Trap at a theater.

"Alright, we got popcorn drinks and snacks. We're all set" y/n said.

"And we got each other. So we're definitely all set" Georgie said, smiling at y/n.

"What's that look for?" Y/n said, uneasily.

"Nothin, just adoring your beauty. And happy that a woman like you could love a man like me." He said, still smiling.

"I do love you, and there's nothin wrong with you" y/n responded. Taking the drinks and some snacks from Georgie.

"Are you sure? I did get you pregnant, I work at a Laundromat, a movie rental place, and a secret room. How much lower can I go?" He said, walking to their seats.

"I find that attractive. You're a hard working man and I like that. And hey, I work at the movie rental place" y/n said, following him.

After the movie they went back to Georgie's garage because Georgie was proud he was almost finished fixing it up for the three of them.

"You know my parents aren't gonna let me move in unless we get married." Y/n said.

"The baby will change that" Georgie said. "This'll be the babies room. I'm gonna paint it yellow because I don't know the gender." He said, pointing to where a frame for a room was built. "That'll be our room. I'm gonna paint it a pretty green I picked out." He added, pointing to a bigger frame.

"Where do you currently sleep while you build?" Y/n asked

"On my parents couch. But I'll be done soon. Thanks to Dale and my dad." He said, looking at y/n.

"Oh, alright. At least your safe in there." Y/n said, before kissing Georgie. "I have to get home before I get yelled at and grounded again. I love you" y/n added, before leaving.

Georgie kissed back. "Okay, sleep well babe. I love you too." He said, walking towards his parents house.

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