The right time

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Once the time came, y/n opened her window, climbed out, and shut it, not completely though. So she could open it back up to get back in her room.

Once she got to the old train tracks she seen that Georgie had put a thick blanket down to lay on, a blanket to cover in, in case they got cold, some pillows, and some candles.

"Georgie, what is all this?" Y/n asked, looking at the beautiful site.

"Just something I thought of while at school after the incident in the janitor's closet." He shrugged, with a smile.

Y/n walked over and sat on the blanket. She got a slight cold chill so she covered herself. Georgie came over and got under the blanket as well. He layed down and motioned for y/n to do the same.

Y/n layed her head on his chest and looked at the stars. Georgie turned his head to look at y/n and she did the same. They locked eyes and then they both went in for a kiss.

Soon, Georgie was on top of y/n. Tracing his hand up and down her side before slipping under her shirt and grouping her boob.

"Georgie..." Y/n breathed as he started to kiss her neck, leaving a path of hickeys behind. He soon had both of their shirts and bottoms off.

"Georgie, I don't know if I'm ready" y/n said as she stopped kissing him.

"It's fine, we don't have to go there yet." Georgie had just finished saying when y/n grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him.

Georgie had taken the remaining pieces of clothing off of them.

"Are you ready?" He asked y/n to make sure.

"Yeah" y/n said, as Georgie slowly pushed into her. She gasped at the feeling of him in her.

"Are you good?" Georgie asked before continuing to do anything else.

"Yes, just keep going". Y/n said as she kisses him.

Georgie slowly thrusted in and out of y/n. Making sure not to hurt her. He started to slowly speed up.

Y/n moaned and lightly tugged at his dark curly hair. As he pounded into her she could feel her climax start to rise. She could tell he was getting close too, for his thrusts became slightly sloppyer than before.

"Oh, Georgie". Y/n moaned as she reached her climax. She hadn't noticed that Georgie wasn't wearing a condom. He pulled out after a few seconds of catching his breath.

They both layed there, naked under the stars. Cuddled close together, both panting from what they had just done.

"That was, interesting." Y/n said, in between breaths.

"It felt so good, you felt so good around me" Georgie said as he pulled the blanket over them. Knowing neither of them were going home till the morning.

They both woke up as the sun was rising, y/n realized she hadn't made it back home and quickly got dressed back into her clothes.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Georgie asked y/n as she was putting on her sandals.

"Because if my parents found out I left home, they will flip. And the fact I'm with you. Well, I'd be six feet under." y/n said, just before kissing him and running to her house which was 2 blocks away from the old train tracks.

Y/n got back to her house, opened her window, climbed in, closed the window, and quickly got changed into her pajamas. She climbed into bed and curled into the blanket.

She was thankful it was the weekend because that meant her parents and brothers were sleeping in. She eventually fell back asleep.

When y/n woke up again, she heard talking in the living room. She quietly walked out of her room and into the hallway to shockingly heard Mary and George SR's voices.

They were talking about Georgie, he never returned home. So they were worried and were asking for help searching for him.

Y/n pretended like she just woke up entering the kitchen to get breakfast. She had gotten a bowl down when her mother said something.

"Hey, y/n. You don't know anything on the missing Cooper boy, do you?"her mother asked.

"No, whose missing?" Y/n asked, trying to hide the fact she knew where he could possibly be.

"My son, Georgie. He left the garage late last night and hasn't been back since. I'm worried about him" Mary Cooper said.

"Oh, well he's a teen boy. He's probably off with some girl he met." Y/n said as she shrugged her shoulders and continued getting her breakfast.

"Oh, I didn't think of that. But still, he's my boy. I'm still worried." Mary said, looking down and fiddling with her apron. After a while, Mary and George SR left the house to go check on the twins, Sheldon and Missy.

Y/n had finished her breakfast when Mary Cooper came back over to tell them that Georgie made it back safely. He was with some girl he met, she said.

"He just didn't give me her name. It's such a shame he hides things from me" Mary said, with a sad look on her face.

"Well, all teens hide something from their parents" y/n's mother said, trying to comfort Mary. Even though they hated each other.

Y/n ignored their conversation and walked to her room. Only to find Georgie outside her window.

Y/n quickly shut her door and locked it. She opened the window and Georgie kissed her.

"What are you doing here? Are you insane?!" Y/n whisper yelled at Georgie.

"A little bit, yeah" he whispered back, with a chuckle.

"Us just talking will get us in trouble, and the fact that you're at my window will make our parents flip" y/n whispered back as she heard her brother opening his window.

"Imma go then, see you tonight darlin'" Georgie said before running off.

Y/n went back in her room and closed her window.

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