Oh No!

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Later on that week y/n got a call from Mary, Georgie's mom, Georgie was in the hospital after an incident when building the garage into a little house.

He had been drilling a wall panel but when he turned around to grab some screws, the wall fell on him. Some of the screws pierced through some skin, nothing fatal at least.

Connie came over and picked y/n up to bring her to the hospital.

"You know, he's never been much of a builder. But he's trying his hardest to build the garage into a little house for you and the baby. He doesn't care if he has to sleep somewhere else, as long as he knows you and the baby are safe" Connie said to y/n.

"I know he's trying, and I love him for that. I just wish someone was there to help him with the wall panels." Y/n said, worried of how Georgie was. "And he should have waited until Dale and Mr. Cooper were out of work. He could've had them help." Y/n added.

"Did you say you love Georgie?" Connie asked, pryingly.

"Yes, I do love him and he loves me. And we're gonna love this baby." Y/n said, looking at her little bump.

"So does that mean you'd marry him if he asked?" Connie asked, looking at the road.

"I mean, if he asked me today I'd say no because we haven't been together that long. Even though we're having a baby together I wouldn't marry him right now. But if he asked me two months from now I'd most likely say yes." Y/n said, in a factual tone.

"Ah, I get it. Yeah, that makes sense" Connie said, with a plan in her mind.

Once they got to the hospital they went directly to Georgie's room. Y/n ran right in and hugged him.

"Thank God you're not badly hurt. But you have to take it slow. You can't rush stuff, so when you get back home you best rest so you don't get hurt worse." Y/n said, in a motherly and caring tone.

"Alright, and don't talk to me like I'm a kid." Georgie said

"Well don't do stupid stuff" y/n said in a defensive tone.

"I'll try not to, and I can't promise that when I get out I won't be working on the garage. I want to have it done before the baby comes" Georgie said, looking at the little bump.

"I know you do, but you can't finish it if you're injured. Next time wait for help, don't try and do it alone. I'll help build if it means you won't rush it." Y/n said, holding his hand tightly.

"No, you're carrying our child. I'm not riskin' any of your lives. I'd rather risk mine." He said, with a sincere tone and a face that y/n couldn't read his expression.

"No risking lives of anyone" y/n said, with a look that made him cower down.

"Yes, ma'am. You got it." He said, then glanced over at her belly to look at the bump.

"Alright, we have an agreement. I love you so much, I'm so glad that you aren't badly hurt." Y/n said, leaning to kiss Georgie.

"I love you too" he replied, accepting her kiss.

                    ~~~time skip~~~

Georgie had gotten out of the hospital 2 days after the incident. He had to be on bed rest while he was healing so y/n's parents offered to have him stay at their house until he was better. He'd be bunking with y/n since they were having a kid together, neither of the parents suspected anything to go wrong.

Day one of healing

Georgie had woken up before y/n and decided to sneak and build some more. He only had 7 more months to finish the garage before the baby was born. He had heard talking of a baby shower for y/n when it got closer to her due date.

As he climbed out of bed, quietly put on his socks and shoes. He tried his best not to wake her as he was leaving her room.

He was walking out the front door when y/n's dad, Mike, caught him.

"Where do you think you're going? Huh kid? You're supposed to be on bed rest." Mike said, as he got up from the dining room table and handed Georgie a cup of coffee.

"I was gonna go work on the garage some more." He said, taking a drink of the coffee. "Is this black?" Georgie asked, sitting the cup on the counter.

"Dont worry about that. Your dad, Dale, and I are doing that in a little while. You can't help. And yes it's black. You can't build, you're on bed rest so take your happy ass back to the room and lay down." Mike said in a neutral tone. Not happy or jokey. But not mad either.

Georgie did so, laying next to y/n. He had wrapped his arms around her waist and fell back asleep. Happy that he was able to sleep next to her.

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