Close call

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It had been 2 and a half months since Georgie's incident. George SR, Mike, Dale, and Georgie were almost done with the garage. They only had to paint and add a few more stuff. Y/n was now 5 months pregnant. Her belly was pretty big and she was getting excited to meet her baby boy.

"Has anyone seen my other shoe?" Y/n asked, holding one shoe in her hand while the other was on her foot. "Because I only have this one" she said, holding up the one in her hand.

"It's on your foot, babe" Georgie said, while sanding something.

Y/n looks down at her foot. "Oh, thank you, honey" she says walking to her room again.

"Mhm" he continued to sand the wooden pole that he was going to build something with.

Y/n came out of her room. "What you building love? And I will be headed to work in  a few. Thankfully Connie is letting me work at the movie store."

"I'll give you a lift. I gotta get more supplies anyway." Georgie said, taking his gaze away from the pole.

"Okay, let's go. I don't want to be late for my first day." She said, taking his hand and walking out of the door.

                         ~~~in the car~~~
"So what are you gonna build with the pole?" Y/n asked, after a few moments of silence.

"Oh don't worry about that. It's a surprise." He said, resting his hand on her thigh. He looked over to look at her for a split second.

"GEORGIE, LOOK OUT!!" Y/n yelled at the car was hit on y/n's side by another car.

Emergency services were immediately called by people in houses and shops around the accident. Y/n and Georgie were rushed to the hospital.

Georgie woke up in the ambulance he was in and started panicking after realizing they were in an accident. "Where is she? Is she okay? What about the baby? Are they alright?" He asked continuous questions about them non-stop all the way to the hospital. All the paramedics could do is try to calm him down. "Sir, she is on the way to the hospital. She's in a different ambulance, we don't know how she is. Just try to stay calm"

Georgie started flipping out more because he didn't know how y/n was. "No, I will not be calm. That's my girlfriend and my baby. I need to know how they are!"

"Sir, the other vehicle hit her side of your vehicle. We aren't sure how she's holding up. Or if either of them will make it."

"They better fucking make it. If they don't imma be real mad. You don't wanna see me real mad." Georgie said, as the paramedics strapped him to the bed to make sure he didn't injure himself or anyone else.

Once he was checked into the hospital the doctors and nurses fixed him up. He was lucky he only got a few scratches and a broken arm. After he was fixed up he asked the nurse about y/n.

"Sir, she's in surgery right now. You'll have to wait. The car hit her side. She's barely hanging on to life."

Mary came walking in as the nurse was leaving the room. She walked over and sat by Georgie. "Hey, how are you holding up?" She asked, in a caring but sypmathetic tone.

"I don't know, I'm worried about y/n and the baby. I was gonna ask y/n to marry me later today after we got back from our date" he said, looking at the floor with a sad tone in his voice.

"You were gonna ask her to marry you?" Mary asked, in a shocked and questionable tone.

"Yeah, I was. But then this happened. I really hope she's okay. Along with our baby." He said, twiddling his thumbs to distract himself.

Mary pulled Georgie into a hug. He broke down crying because he was scared for y/n and their unborn child.

The nurse came in to discharge Georgie and to tell him the news. "Sir, your girlfriend is fine. She's resting right now. And you're getting discharged." She said, handing him discharge papers. "What about my baby? Is it alright?" He asked, with a worried tone still in his voice.

"He is fine, both mama and son are fine. They are just resting. So hurry and get discharged so you can visit." She said the last part jokingly.

"Wait, did you say son?" He asked, with a questioning look on his face.

"Yeah, you didn't know you were having a boy?" She asked, now confused. "No, I wanted it to be a surprise for when he's born but I guess the universe had other plans." He said, signing the papers so he could go see y/n.

By the time he got to y/n's room she had just woken up. He rushed to her side and held her hand. "Hey honey, I was so worried about you. How are you holding up?" He asked, in a worried but relieved tone. "I'm doing good, they said that the baby is going to be fine too." She said, holding his hand back with a calming tone in her voice.

"Yeah, he doctor said that you and our baby boy are gonna be fine." He said, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Wait, how do you know it's a boy?" Y/n asked, confused on how he knows.

"The doctors didn't know that I didn't know so they accidentally told me." He said, rubbing circles around the back of her hand. "Oh, okay. I was just curious because I didn't tell you" she said, as he leaned down to kiss her.

                 ~~~~in the hallway~~~~

"Georgie, why don't you ask her to marry you" Mary asked, sitting in a chair. "Because she's in the hospital. I don't want her to think anything bad like that I only wanna marry her in case anything bad happens to her then everything comes to me." He states, sitting in a chair next to his mom. "Well if you love her and she loves you then I think y'all should get married before the baby is here." Mary explained.

"Ma, I love you but I'm not gonna ask her while she's in the hospital." Georgie tried explaining but Mary wouldn't listen. "Hey, she'd like to see you butthead." Connie said, coming out of the room. "Alright, why'd you call me butthead?" He asked, confused. "It wasn't me that did, it was your girlfriend." Connie said, going to sit where Georgie was sitting.

Georgie entered the room. Noticing that y/n was sitting up. "Hey, you're supposed to be relaxing. And you wanted to see me?" He said, walking over to her bedside.

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you something " y/n said, looking Georgie in the eyes. "What is it hon?" Georgie asked, worried.

"Will you marry me?" Y/n asked, hoping for a good answer. "I was gonna ask you that after our dinner date but apparently the universe had different plans. But yeah, let's get married. Though not today because well, you're in the hospital." He said, taking hold of y/n's hand. "Yeah, me and baby need to heal." She agreed. "Oh, by the way. Why don't we name our baby boy Maxwell Chase Cooper?" He asked, hoping y/n would agree.

"How do you know it's a boy?" Y/n asked, suspiciously. "The doctor accidentally told me. What do you think of the name?" He asked, anxiously.  "That's a cute name, Maxwell Chase Cooper. Alright we can do that" y/n said, holding Georgie's hand tighter. "I can't wait to meet our baby boy." She said and Georgie agreed.

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