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"Whew! If my mama didn't raise me right then I would've started selling drugs!" Asia said to Cali as she place her backpack on the couch. "These classes got me tired and it's only the first day!"

Cali laughed as she passed her a plate of food. Cali had early morning classes Monday through Thursday between eight and eleven while Asia had midday classes on those same days between eleven and two. Cali had a nap and shower so she decided to have lunch ready when Asia returned to the apartment so they could eat together.

"This looks good, girl." Asia said as they sat down at the kitchen table with their plates.

Cali made them Hawaiian macaroni salad with baked barbecue chicken which was her favorite meal. Karis always ate Hawaiian macaroni salad while she was pregnant with Cali which made her addicted. Cali was a cereal lover as well thanks to Karis.

"I had to call my GiGi to help me out with the barbecue sauce recipe. I hope it's as good as hers." Cali said.

Asia tasted the chicken thigh and nodded. "Mhmm, this is good. I fuck with the macaroni salad too. You did yo big one on this lunch."

There was a knock at the door and Cali got up to answer it. She wasn't surprised to see Jonah and Kyran standing there because she was on FaceTime with Jonah when she started cooking.

Jonah had the same schedule as Cali and Kyran's schedule was in between everyone else's with it being ten to one. Even though they were both done with their classes, Cali told them that they couldn't stop by until Asia was done with classes.

"That barbecue chicken smells good." Kyran said as he walked into the apartment.

Both of the boys greeted both girls and Cali was about to make their plates, but they quickly stopped her. "We ain't yo husband. Go sit yo ass down and enjoy your food. We'll help ourselves." Jonah told her.

"Oop—okay. I'll sit my happy ass down." Cali said, making them laugh.

After the guys fixed their plates, they sat down with the girls and began to talk about the professors they met so far. "I already know my bio two lab instructor is gonna be a trip." Asia said as she licked barbecue sauce from her thumb. She was a messy eater, but did not care. That was one of Kyran's favorite things about her.

"You got Instructor Thomas?" Jonah asked.

"Yes!" Asia exclaimed. "I'm just hoping for a D at least."

"You'll be fine. I had him last year for bio one. He just portrays himself as a tough instructor the first day, but he's chill." Jonah told her.

Asia sucked her teeth. "He shouldn't scare people like that! I should tell the dean on his stupid ass!"

Everyone laughed at her because they knew she was serious. "Listen, I don't mean to change the subject—I just wanna know what's in this barbecue sauce." Kyran said.

"Umm, it's ketchup, pineapple juice, kosher salt, brown sugar, garlic, ginger, and a pinch of red pepper flakes. It's my GiGi's recipe." Cali replied.

"GiGi knows what the fuck she's doing, and so do you—fasho you right on." Jonah chimed in. "I'm fucking with this macaroni salad too."

"My LoLo's birthday is during the summer and my GiGi always plans the best cookout. Y'all should take a trip up to Memphis and join us. It's always a good time and she makes lots of food. My Samoan side of the family is so inviting." Cali explained.

"Yeah, no doubt. We usually go up there from time to time with Jonah anyway." Kyran said.

"Hey, Cali. I don't mean to pry and if you don't want to answer it then you don't need to, but I'm just curious." Asia began. "I've met your parents and siblings on FaceTime, and I've spoke to some of your dad's side of the family. However, you never said anything about your mom's side or speak to them. Why is that?"

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