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"It says positive." Zuri said as she looked at the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter.

Zuri has been feeling overly sensitive and emotional lately. She also has been having the stomach flu for going on a month now, and she finally realized that this wasn't an ordinary stomach bug.

Malik couldn't help but smile as he wrapped his arms around Zuri's waist. "I know you wanted to wait a few more years, but I'm happy."

"A clingy toddler and a baby is insane." Zuri replied as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Are you not happy, baby?" Malik asked.

"I don't know how to feel." Zuri replied truthfully. "I know that I have you and I'll have support from my parents and your mom, but I just feel overwhelmed. I can barely handle LJ."

"Look, stop trying to downplay yourself. I can't put myself in your shoes because I'm not a woman. However, I've seen the type of mother you are and you're damn near a superhero. I'm not going to allow you to be overwhelmed with shit as long as I can help it." Malik explained. "I'll do anything to make you comfortable and secure. And don't feel guilty if you get overstimulated or stressed out—everyone does. It's normal."

Zuri sighed as she leaned her head against Malik. "Thank you for everything."

"Anything for you." Malik said. "When do you want to tell everybody?"

"I'm not sure. I want to go to my OB first so I can see how far along I am." Zuri told him. "And I kinda want to do a cute announcement since we just told them while we were watching basketball when I was pregnant with LJ."

Malik nodded. "I see. How can we do a cute announcement with Cali all the way in Atlanta?"

"Let me think on it." Zuri replied.

"Mommy! Daddy!" LJ yelled from his room.

"How in the hell does he wake up yelling?" Malik asked, making Zuri laugh. "Lord, bless us with a quiet baby this time around. This boy been yelling since he left the womb."

Zuri continued to laugh. "Not too much on my son. He gets that from you."

"Mommy? Daddy?" LJ said, peeping into their bathroom. "Can I have shicken nuggies?"

"Yeah, man. How many you want?" Malik said as he picked LJ up.

"Six." LJ answered with a smile.

"How about you have three because mommy is getting ready to make dinner." Zuri chimed in.

LJ pouted. "Okay, mommy."

The family of three and a half made their way to the kitchen. Zuri took the individually wrapped salmon out of the fridge as Malik sat LJ down at his table with his iPad so he could fix his chicken nuggets.

"Can I get water and juice?" LJ asked as he went to watch Bluey. His iPad only had two apps on it and was very restricted because he knew how to work technology well just by looking at the icons.

"You can get water first then juice with your dinner." Malik told him as he placed his three chicken nuggets in the air fryer.

"I probably won't even eat this." Zuri mumbled as she seasoned the salmon.

"Don't start that." Malik warned. When Zuri was pregnant with LJ, she lost weight during her second trimester because she was not eating as much as she should. It scared everyone and Malik was ready to shove food down her throat just to make her eat.

"No, not like that. I'm starting to crave the leftovers from last night." Zuri defended.

"Oh, aight." Malik said. "Don't make me pop that ass."

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