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Jonah sat in the cafe alone as he ate breakfast. It's been a couple of days since the argument and nobody was talking to him. He sent a text to Cali and called her, but he was ignored. He didn't mean to escalate the situation. He was just sick of the making up and wished it didn't take so long. He wanted everyone to be able to move forward.

Jonah spotted Asia walking with her plate along with two of their mutuals. He waved Asia down and she dismissed herself before going over to Jonah.

"Good morning, Jonah." Asia said nonchalantly.

"Good morning." Jonah replied. "Is she okay?"

"She's worried about you, and so are Kyran and me." Asia told him. "Something is up and you need help—seriously. There's no way you keep snapping at people like this. You did it when we were younger every now and then, but it's more often now."

Jonah sighed. "I don't want to lose y'all."

"Then get your shit together." Asia said. "Because if you make my best friend cry again, it's gonna take the army of God and the disciples to get me off yo ass."

"I've been trying to apologize, Asia." Jonah said.

"The best apology is changed behavior, Jonah. Nobody is not gonna be holding your hand. As for Cali, she is nineteen, fine as hell, and plenty of niggas try to get with her on campus and on social media. I suggest you get your shit together before she becomes the girl that got away." Asia snapped.

"I understand and I'm gonna do my best—I promise." Jonah told her.

"Okay, we'll see." Asia said as she stood up and grabbed her plate. "I'm about to go back over to my people and eat. Also, I'm praying you."

Jonah nodded. "Thank you." After Asia walked away, he pulled out his phone to see if Cali responded to him and she hadn't so he decided to send her another text.

Jonah 🩵: I don't want to lose you. I know that I've been acting stupid lately and I promise that I am going to work on me. I honestly don't know what's going on and I've realized that I do need help. I never want to hurt you or make you cry. I'm so sorry and I hope you forgive me.


"There's the little baby." The doctor said as she did Zuri's ultrasound. This particular doctor was Karis' doctor when she had Zuri, Cali, and Tristan. She was honored when she got to service one of the babies delivered. "Based on your last period and how the baby is developed, I estimate you to be about ten weeks so we can listen to the hea—"

"What? Why'd you stop talking?" Zuri asked as she looked at her doctor.

"I'm seeing two." The doctor replied.

Malik furrowed his eyebrows. "Two what?!"

"Two babies." She told them. "There's baby one and there's baby two."

"No no no no no no." Zuri said, shaking her head. "This has to be a mistake."

"No ma'am." The doctor said. She began to get the heartbeats of the infants and nodded her head. "Yeah, there's definitely two fetal heartbeats."

"Lord have mercy." Malik mumbled.

The doctor giggled. "Listen, I know this is very shocking news. As someone who didn't know she was having two babies until it was time for delivery, it's bewildering. However, it's an experience. Y'all are gonna have your ups and downs just like every parent, but it's all gonna work out for the best for you and your kids. And watch how Mr. Lennox bosses up to be the best big brother. Y'all have some months to prepare."

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