(7) Mr Jones

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I sigh softly to myself as I walk out of Micheal's room. I can't believe someone could do those things to a child, to a little boy. Seeing all of his scars of abuse infuriated me, I wanted to find who had hurt him and I wanted to make them hurt. But looking at his scared face my feelings of anger melted away. I had to help him, I needed to help him. 

It has been a very long day, a long day of many changes.

I was up early to get some work done—on my computer and around the house. We had to prepare to have another little in the house.

My wife and I are caregivers. We take in troubled kids and help them regress to a child state of mind, relieving their stress and trauma.

We work over the course of weeks to get them to regress. Some kids progress faster than others, but at the end of that time we must part ways. They kids are taken to a hidden community—a community of littles and caregivers.

One day we hope to find the perfect little for us. One we will fall in love with and be unable to let go.

I walk into Micheal's bathroom, not surprised to see a bit of a mess. Little boys are messy, and they don't always know how to clean up after themselves. That's why they have their caregivers to help them.

I wipe up water off of the counter, put the lid back on the toothpaste tube, place his toothbrush in a toothbrush holder, and quickly scrub the sink so the stray toothpaste won't stain the porcelain.

I walk into the bath/shower part of the room and am shocked to see the bath still full. The bubbles are now gone, and the water is a diluted color. Poor boy must have been so dirty.

Water was splashed on the floor and his soap bottle fell too. I pick up the soap, placing it on the rim of the tub in a corner. I use a towel to wipe up the water and unplug the bath. The water is quickly drained and only leaves some suds laying in the tub. I rinse out the tub, and then I am done.

I turn off all the lights and close the door as I leave. I make my way downstairs, seeing only a dim light on. Amelia must already be in bed.

I go to our room and my guess was right. She is in the bathroom, doing her skincare routine. The dogs are laying in their respective beds at the end of ours.

I go to our shared closet and change out of my clothes. I decide to only wear a pair of boxers. It's still warm out—even at night— although we should be nearing winter soon. 

I join my wife in the bathroom and start to brush my teeth at my sink. There was no way I was going to try and share a one sink counter with my wife. She has way too many things, and she likes her space when she's getting ready.

I finish rather quickly and go lay on my side of the bed, getting comfortable. I am lost in thought when Amelia gets in bed, her weight making the mattress shift.

"What's wrong honey?" Her sweet voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"I'm concerned about Micheal." I pause, "When I knocked on the bathroom door and entered he was already done with his bath and brushing his teeth. I had left him in there for less than ten minutes. I was hoping to catch him still in the tub so I could help him. When I changed him he was covered in scars, cigarette burns. It was sickening. He even called me Mr Jones when I tucked him in, he's barely talked all day and when he does it no more than three words." I sigh and Amelia grabs my hand, squeezing it tight.

"Scars? Should we make a doctors appointment?" 

"I honestly don't know. To be safe I think we should try." 

"And babe I know you concerned about him, I am too. He didn't drink anything at dinner, so he couldn't try the cup. But I'm glad we got him introduced to the silverware." I hum. We have a special cup made for helping us regress kids.

The cup will always spill, no matter how you try to drink it, liquid will always find a way out. It allows us to introduce sippy cups or other lidded cups.

As for the silverware, it's quite simple. The exact same as regular silverware just overly large and difficult to manipulate. The way that they're made even I have troubles using them.

"He will just take some extra care and love. He'll come around to us soon, and he'll be able to regress with our help." Amelia says, placing a kiss on my lips and laying down.

"I hope you're right." I mumble, pulling her body close to mine. After a while Amelia's breathing evens out as she falls asleep. I eventually drift off too, excited for the days to come. 


Sorry for the short chapter 🫠

Lots of love ❤️ 

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