(16) Nightmare

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(dream, 7 years old)

I was in the car with mom and dad. Dad was driving while mom was in the passenger seat singing along to the song playing on the radio. I was in my car seat, mom kept saying I had to sit in it because I was too small to sit in a big boys booster seat. She said I could get hurt if I didn't sit in it and she didn't want her precious little prince to get hurt.

I giggled and attempted to sing along with mom, even dad joined in. We were driving back home after eating out, normally mom or dad cooked so we rarely ate out. But tonight was a special occasion, it was mom's birthday!

We drove all the way to the next town over so we could go to her favorite restaurant. Dad told me I couldn't say where we were going because it was a surprise. I didn't say a word to mom about it, and when we got to the restaurant we both yelled surprise and had a high-five in victory of keeping the secret.

Mom was so happy and we had the best time eating and she even opened our presents there. Dad had bought her an antique ring that he saw in a store back in our town, while I made her a card and a finger painted picture.

Everything was amazing and perfect. she

I looked out the front window, only being able to see a few feet out front. It was dark and the car headlights were the only source of light on the country road we were using to get back home.

Suddenly a deer ran into the road. Mom had taught me about deer, this one didn't have any antlers so it was a doe. Maybe it had a baby with it! I remember seeing a mommy deer in the yard onetime in the spring with two wobbly little spotted babies following behind her.

The sound of screeching hurt my ears as dad gripped tightly on the steering wheel and swerved away from the animal. I was jerked around in my seat, the seatbelt straps digging into my body.

I felt weightless for a second before the car crashed into the ditch, making a loud horrible noise.

(end dream)

I shot up in bed, tears streaming down my face. I wiped furiously at my cheeks with shaking hands. I looked around at my surroundings, it was to dark to make anything out. This only scared me further, I have never been a fan of the dark. Scary things hid in the dark.

My door creaking open made me jump and look in it direction. I could only see an outline of a dark silhouette, light from the hallway flowing into my room.

"Buddy what happened?" Daniel said tiredly as he came to the side of the bed, turning on the lights as he walked in. I couldn't say anything I was crying to hard.

"Shhhh, shhh, shhh." He said picking me up. "You're gonna make yourself sick baby." He started bouncing me and rubbing my back. I barely noticed that he didn't have a shirt on or pants.

Daniel continued to bounce me and rub my back as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear. My sobs soon turned into hiccups with his comfort.

"Can you tell me what's got you so worked up bub? Is it your accident?" He asked softly. His words made me realize a cooling wetness between my crotch. This only made me start crying again. How had I wet the bed again?

"Shhhh. It's okay that you had an accident. It's okay, Micheal everything will be okay." Daniel soothed my, helping quiet my cry's.

"S-sorry." I stuttered.

"No, no, it's okay. What got you so worked up?" He asked again.


"Well it's okay now, I'll chase all of the scary dreams away." Daniel promised and I nodded against his bare shoulder.

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