(14) Rules

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I wake up disoriented. When did I get to the bed? When did we get back to the house?

I sit up in the bed and the first thing I realize is the dampness at my legs and back. My shirt sticks to my back, and my pants cling to my legs.

I push back the covers and a large dark spot is visible around my crotch. The mess had also gotten my shirt wet.

Did I really just have an accident?! I can't even remember the last time I had an accident, much less wet the bed

The door to my room opens slowly and I quickly throw the covers back over my body.

"Ah you're awake." Daniel says as he walks into the room. "If you would have slept any longer you wouldn't be able to fall asleep tonight." He walks towards me and I pull up the sheets more, maybe he won't notice.

"Amelia is waiting for us downstairs. We're to go over the rules of the house real quick, it shouldn't take long and they shouldn't be hard to remember. Then we can watch a movie or something until dinner." Daniel keeps talking and talking, but the words coming out of his mouth don't really register as I become more anxious about my accident.

Daniel gets to the bed and before I can protest he throws the covers off of me.

"Oh buddy." He pauses, "You had an accident?" It sounds more like a question than a statement.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, looking down at my mess. Admitting I did it makes it seem more real. How could I have wet the bed like an untrained baby?

"No need to appolagizs bub, lots of little boys have accidents. How about I set you up in the bathroom and you can take a quick shower to get clean. While you're doing that I'll get this all cleaned up, you don't have to worry about it at all. Then I'll get you from the shower when you're done and we'll go downstairs." Daniel takes charge of the situation, talking gently, and he picks me up from the bed.

It surprises me how easily he can lift me to rest on his hip. My wet clothes rub against my skin but Daniel acts like nothing is wrong.

When we get to the bathroom Daniel quickly undressed me and turns on the shower.

"Do you need to go potty still?" He asks and I shake my head quickly.

"Okay bud, then just rinse off with some soap and I will come get you when I clean up your room a little." He instructs, taking my clothes with him as he leaves.

I do as he says and get in the shower, I don't want to make things worse. I can't believe I'm already being such a burden. They are gonna get rid of me in less than the three weeks before Mindy comes to check on me.

I get in the shower and am pleasantly surprised by the warm water. Daniel must have put on warm water on accident. I savor it for a second before turning the temperature setting to cold. The water quickly looses its warmth and I rush to get the shower over with.

I pump the soap into my hands and rub in all over my legs. White suds appear as the soap mixes with the water. I make sure to wash well all around my crotch area and anywhere my urine might have reached.

When I'm done washing I let the water run down my body and take all the soap with it. As soon as I get all the soap off of my body I turn off the water. I pull back the shower curtain and step out onto the rug in front of the tub.

I quickly grab the towel that was hanging off of a hook and wrap it around myself. No more than ten seconds after I got the towel wrapped around me a knock comes from the door.

"I'm coming in." Daniel announces and opens the bathroom door. He has new clothes in one of his hands. He sets the clothes on the counter and walks over to me.

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