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Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

I reach my hand out from underneath the warm and cosy duvet, sliding the alarm on my phone off and sitting up in my bed. It's way too early for me. Technically it isn't that early, it's 9AM, but I was at the pub until 2 last night, and only got home to bed after 3. Usually when we were on tour or promoting our music I could get up to four hours of sleep a night, or none at all, but since we've been hidden away to write our next album, I've been used to sleeping for ten hours at a time.

Nonetheless, I drag myself out of my bed and to the bathroom. I try to wake myself up by splashing cold water on my face, the icy droplets piercing my skin and finally rousing my senses. We had a studio session today, and I always liked to leave my house a little bit early so I could grab myself a coffee and a bite to eat. I wasn't too bothered with how I looked, so I put on the first t-shirts and pair of jeans that I saw on my bedroom floor, pulling my beanie over my head since I didn't have the effort to style my hair into its trademark quiff.

Once I was ready I left my apartment and walked down the empty streets of London. It was a chilly Spring morning, and there weren't many people around, which was what I loved about where I lived. It wasn't in the hustle and bustle of central London, so there would always be barely any people around, it felt really nice, serene, tranquil. Nothing beats Ireland but this definitely comes close.

I think about Ireland while I walk. I miss it a lot, I definitely want to be spreading more of my free time out between here and there when I'm not busy working. I miss my family and I feel like, by not having my own family or even a girlfriend, it makes me miss home more than I would if I had someone here that was like my family.

Wouldn't that be nice? I think to myself. Having a girlfriend that makes me feel at home no matter where I am.

I brush off these thoughts as I enter the little coffee shop, hidden in the middle of a quiet street. I come here everyday for a coffee before I hit the studio, it's become a habit for me to come here. It's an independent coffee shop but they make a damn good cup of it! I order my coffee and stand at the counter waiting for it to be made, drumming my fingers on the counter. Once I'm given my steaming hot takeaway cup of coffee, I'm out of there in a flash since I know I'm now late for our studio session.

I hear someone walking behind me. I hear them speed up and eventually start running after me. Shit, a fan. I love my fans and all, don't get me wrong, but I really need to get to the studio now before the guys kick my ass! Plus, this is my private downtime.

"Excuse me?" I hear a young, female voice behind me. Sighing a little, I turn to face her.

I'm surprised, she's beautiful. She's a gorgeous young woman, she looks around 25 and something tells me she isn't a fan, she doesn't seem at all phased by being face to face with me. "Yes?" I ask her, a smile playing on my lips as I'm entranced by her beauty.

"You left your wallet inside the cafe!" She smiles at me, handing it to me

I smile right at her, doing my best to charm her. I hadn't even realised that I forgot my wallet, and I'm really glad that such a gorgeous girl found it for me. Better still, she didn't take the wallet for herself like most people would do these days. "Oh! Thankyou so much..?" I trail off, implying that I want to know her name, which I definitely do.


"Layla, that's a beautiful name. I'm Danny" I smile at her, and decide to go in for a hug. I wrap my arms around her for a brief moment, before pulling away. "Thankyou so much, seriously, it means a lot to me"

She's gone all shy, it's adorable. It's sexy too. "It's nothing, really!" she insists.

"No, let me repay you properly" I flash her a smile again, writing my number on the cardboard wrap around sleeve on my coffee cup which I then take off the cup and give to her, winking. "Dinner on me, tonight?"

"Ok, I'll text you!" it's her turn to play the flirt now, as she smiles somewhat seductively.

"See you tonight, Layla"

"Bye Danny"

And with that I turn on my heels and stride off in the direction of the studio, smiling proudly.

I've got myself a gorgeous date tonight.

Hello everyone!
I am finally starting this fanfic which I have been planning for a little while. I have a lot of plans for this story and I hope you all stick with me for it to see what I mean by that!
I don't think this prologue is some of my best work at all but I needed to start off the story and introduce you to Danny and Layla. It may seem quite rushed now but it needs to be!
I will be uploading chapter one tomorrow and I'll really be getting the story going now that this prologue is out of the way!
Love, Amelia Xx

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