20. Ella

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Danny and I sat up in his bed together and turned on the TV in his room. We'd decided that it was too early in the night to fall asleep together so we ended up watching the tele. Danny wrapped his arm around me and I smiled, being like this with Danny was the best feeling that there was.

"Els?" one of us finally spoke, after being so intent on watching re-runs of Catfish. It was Danny, I could feel his voice vibrate through his entire body since I was leaning on him and our bodies were close and touching. It sent shivers down my spine when I felt the vibrations of his voice and it brought my attention to him rather than being on the poor sod being mugged off by their online lover.

"Yes?" I turned to look at Danny, a smile unable to keep itself off of my face because I couldn't believe how everything had so suddenly happened between us.

"I'm taking you on our first date tomorrow" he announced

"I thought tonight was our first date?" I wondered aloud

"No. I'm taking you out tomorrow, for dinner"

"Where?" I asked him, smiling at the prospects of going on a real first date with Danny, out to dinner

"You'll see!" he tells me, trying to keep an auto of mystery around his first date plans for us. I laugh but the expression on his face suddenly becomes serious

"What is it Dan? ..." I trail off, feeling slightly worried about what could be on Danny's mind

"In two weeks we're going to he releasing our next single and I'm going to be very busy" Danny explained, looking like he felt guilty for this. He spoke again before I could reassure him though, "I'm going to be promoting the single like crazy over here and then the lads and I are flying to America for a while, to promote it and play some shows supporting another band"

"That's fine" I smiled at him. It honestly was fine, Danny and I were too mature to let that get in the way of our new relationship. I understood that there would be these downsides to my boyfriend being a famous frontman but I didn't mind it and I wanted to see Danny doing what he loved.

"Are you sure?" Danny didn't sound certain himself but I knew it must be because he didn't want to jeopardise our new relationship succeeding by going away to promote his music.

"I'm sure, Danny. I promise that it doesn't bother me in the slightest that we need to be away from each other because of your career, I already know how important it is to you and I know that you must be feeling conflicted because our relationship is so fresh and new right now that you're scared it'll ruin it but it won't" I spoke in a soft, soothing voice, looking into Danny's eyes and doing my best to reassure him.

"I love you" was all that Danny said to me before he leaned down to place a tender kiss on my lips, lingering for a while.

"I love you too" I smiled at him after we had pulled away from the kiss, and Danny tightened his grip on me with the arm that he had around me. He pulled me so close to him that our legs got tangled up so in one swift move he lifted up both of my legs and lay them across him own. Feeling his hands on my legs was like heaven, it  made my heart thud in my throat because it was such an unexpected gesture that had so much impact on me.

"Is everything alright?" Danny asks me. He must've noticed the slight change in my manner which always happened when I was lusting after him.

"Yes" I smile at him, doing my best to convince him because no matter what desires I have toward Danny, I know that nothing more can happen between us tonight since so much has already happened in the short space of one evening. Luckily I manage to convince him, as he simply places a gentle kiss to my forehead and continues watching the TV show.

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