8. Ella

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It had been just over a week since that messy, drunken night that I'd been stood up for a date, and since the morning after where I woke up in Danny's apartment and we spoke about him and Layla using me as a relationship councillor. More importantly, it had also been just over a week since Danny and Layla stopped using me as a relationship councillor. It had been a blissful week where I could check my phone knowing that I wouldn't be unpleasantly surprised with a text from either of them asking me what to do or say, and I could now have conversations with each of them individually without the conversation veering towards what I thought would be a nice gesture from them for the other.

This had come to mind because Dan had just texted me, and I was reminded about how blissful it was to know that I wouldn't be needing to rack my brain to think of what him and Layla should do for their next date night. The text stunned me a little bit though, just because it made no sense to me at all.
' Did Layla get to yours alright? She hasn't text me Xx '
Layla wasn't supposed to be coming to mine? Unless perhaps she was just coming as a spur of the moment?
' Was she popping in? I didn't know that? X '
' Els, she told me you two had plans tonight and that she was going to yours which was why she couldn't come to see me tonight, where is she? Xx '
' We don't have any plans tonight at all, I'm alone at home simply relaxing X '
' Then where is she?! Is she fucking lying to me?! '
' I don't know Danny! Why don't you come over and see if she turns up? X '
' Ok, see you soon X '

Danny arrived 20 minutes later, I let him into my apartment and got us a can of beer each from my fridge, handing Danny a can before sitting beside him on my sofa.
"The same thing keeps playing on my mind" he tells me,
"Which is?"
"If Layla's lying to me about where she is, could she be having an affair?"
"Danny! Don't be ridiculous!" I exclaim, shocked and appalled by his accusation towards Layla
"Think about it, Ella. I've barely seen her in the last couple of weeks because she tells me she's always 'busy', then when I finally decided to ask her what she was so busy doing tonight that she couldn't see me, she lied told me you two had plans" it sounded like it hurt him a lot to be saying this, but I knew he had nothing to worry about
"First of all, if Layla wanted to cover something up then surely she wouldn't use me as the cover when she knows that me and you are good friends. And second of all, she wouldn't cheat on you, I know she wouldn't"
"But how do you know?" he questions me, despair present in his voice
"I just do!"
"That's not a reason for her not cheating on me, Els. What is a reason for her cheating on me though is this lying she's doing about where she is"
"Is that really the only reason you think she's cheating on you?!" I can't help but laugh, I loved Danny but he was being totally naïve right now
"Yes! That and how she's always busy lately"
"Danny! All this just cos of lies about where she is when she's busy?!"
"Yes!!!!" he exclaims, firm with his bad feeling about Layla and what she was doing
"Your trust is so weak! If I lied to my boyfriend-" I cut myself off there. I'd never do that, it's just one of those things you don't do. I now realised why this must hurt Danny so much, nobody wants to be lied to by the person they love, even though Danny had never actually told Layla he loved her and vice versa, "actually, I wouldn't lie to my boyfriend full stop. If I had one of course" I finish my sentence with a slight turn instead of making my original point.
"See Els, you wouldn't lie to your boyfriend. Surely it's not normal if Layla is lying to me then!"
"I know Danny... I'm sorry..." talking about this and thinking about this was getting a bit too much for me. It was too close to home, I didn't want to even consider that Layla could be cheating on Danny because I cared about both of them so much and the last thing I ever wanted was for Danny to feel the pain of his partner being unfaithful.
"What's wrong?" he asked me. Dan really knew me better than anyone else, even if we hadn't been good friends for long.
I hesitate for a long while, sitting in deafening but comfortable silence with Danny while I have a battle with myself in my head about whether or not I should tell Danny.
I decided that I would, so I took a deep and shaky breath, and uttered the words about the matter I had never properly spoken to anyone about, despite it having been nearly a year. Finally saying it all out loud made it feel so real, and my heart broke all over again.

Hello everybody! Here it is, finally! I am so extremely sorry for this taking so long and for my absence lately! Not only am I now swamped with a lot of work for two weeks like I said, but now I have some stuff going on with my family that consumes all my time when I'm not already very busy at work! Thank you all for waiting for this chapter and being patient (: I'm also sorry for this being a shorter chapter than usual! Most of it was actually deliberate because I wanted to keep this quite concise so that I can really expand on everything in Danny's chapter coming up next, I just wanted to bring up some questions in this chapter that I can answer in Danny's! A small part of it was how busy I am though, it was easier to write a shorter chapter but that would've been my intention even if I wasn't busy, as I already have chapters planned out! I hope you enjoy it! Cheating accusations, huh? Hmm, what do we think? Is Layla capable of doing that to Danny?
Love, Amelia X

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