24. Ella

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"It'll be fine" Danny kisses me, making me feel better for a split second before he knocks on the door.

I take a deep breath, trying to shake away the nerves and before I know it, the door has been opened.

"Daniel!" I hear a thick, Irish accent exclaim my boyfriend's name and see that it's his ma. They have a joyous little reunion before she turns her attention to me.

"You must be Isabella, I've heard so much about you" she gives me a warm smile and hugs me. I instantly feel a lot less nervous and a lot more welcomed.

"Aw ma, don't tell her that!" Danny laughs before I can speak.

"It's so lovely to meet you" I say to his ma as we pull away from the hug.

"It's lovely to finally meet you too, Daniel's been talking about you for months"

"Months?" I question as she lets us in and Danny and I bring out suitcases inside, taking off our shoes in the process.

"Yes! He had that dreadful girlfriend before you but he still spoke about you"

"Ma!" Danny scolds her, making me laugh.

Before I can say anything, I hear the voices of other people as they come into the hallway. I turn and see Danny hugging two women as he greets them and I realise that they must be his sisters. I knew that he had three sisters but I guessed that the other one might be in the living room or not here yet.

One of his sisters turned her attention to me, "Ella, right?" she asked me. I couldn't tell if she was smiling at me or not and her tone of voice wasn't the most welcoming but I shook these thoughts, guessing that she was probably just looking out for her brother or didn't mean to come off as being a bit cold towards me.

"Yes!" I worked up all my courage to be able to face her and be my usual, bubbly self. Usually this would be easy for me but because it was Danny and Danny's family, I found it hard to even act like my normal self. "It's so nice to finally meet you" I smiled at her, daring to go in for a hug.

I was relieved when she returned my hug and even more relieved when I could tell that the tone of her voice softened when she spoke to me again, "it's nice to meet you too, I'm Andrea" she introduced herself to me and so did Danny's other sister, who had now also turned her attention to me.

"Your brother and sister aren't here yet Daniel but they're coming tonight for a family dinner" I heard Danny's mum tell him.

"Alright ma!" Danny smiled as he wrapped his arm around me, he'd probably noticed how overwhelming and nerve wracking this had been for me although I managed to keep it hidden and put up a cheerful front. He led me into what I assumed was the living room and he sat me down on the sofa next to him.

"I can tell that they love you already" he smiled at me to reassure me.


"Yes! My ma's already in awe of you and you handled that really well with my sisters, they get a bit overprotective of me but you gave them a reason not to be"

"Thanks" I smiled and relaxed, letting out the breath that I'd been holding since the moment Danny knocked on the door.


|The following day|

Danny and I were going to have a day out in Dublin today, only him and I. I'd met all of his family last night and it went well, I had nothing to worry about! They were all so friendly and welcoming, his brother and sister had been just as kind as the rest of his family had already been so my nerves seemed to fade away very quickly. Danny had told me that one of his brothers lived abroad, in Australia, so I wouldn't be meeting him here.

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