25. Danny

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"Danny" Ella whined, slurring her words because she was now drunk, "Danny, I don't feel so good"

Ella and I had gone drinking in Temple Bar and I may have bought her a few more drinks than I'd bought myself. I thought it was generous of me as her boyfriend to let her have fun and to limit the pints for myself so that I'd be quite sober and able to look after her if she wanted to get drunk, which she seemed eager to do when she had actually been drinking. We initially got ourselves some lunch while we had a drink but once we'd eaten our lunches, we stayed for a few more hours to carry on drinking.

"I think it's time to take ye home" I smiled at her, wrapping my arm around her waist and leaning her on me so I could support her when we stood up.

"No! I can't go to your ma's house when I'm drunk" panic filled her slurring voice.

"She won't mind, Els. She'll know it's my fault anyway"

"Danny, I've only just met your ma! I don't want her seeing me drunk, it's making a bad impression!"

"You sure are defensive when you're drunk!" I chuckle and kiss her on the cheek.

"No I'm not, Danny. I don't want to make a bad impression!" It's probably her being drunk that is the cause, although I know she's working herself up about my ma seeing her drunk, but she starts to cry. "I don't want your family knowing that I'm drunk when it's only 4 O Clock" she tells me, her face scrunching up as she cried.

"But baby, where am I supposed to take you?" I ask, hugging her as she burrowed her face into my chest while she cried.

"I don't know" she slurs.

"I need to take you home so I can look after you properly, Els. You need your rest, my ma won't think any less of you for being drunk. I promise, she won't"

"Ok" she gives in, too drunk to argue or resist.

"I love you" I kiss her softly and gently before I help her up, wrapping my arm around her waist as I help her out of the pub and call us a cab to pick us up.

"I love you" she mumbles, leaning into me. I kissed the top of her head and decided to have a smoke while we waited for our taxi.

We arrived back at my ma's house half an hour later. I helped Ella walk up the path and I let us into the house, since I had the keys.

I could hear my ma watching TV in the living room so I carried Ella upstairs, putting her into bed.

"I'm still dressed" she slurred, as I sat her up in the bed and made sure she was comfy.

"Do ye want to change?" I asked her.


"Into what?" I chuckled, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Something comfy"

I smiled at her and got her undressed so that she was left merely wearing her underwear, then I grabbed a t-shirt of mine that I had carelessly thrown on the floor yesterday and put it over her head, getting her into it. "Better?" I asked, kissing her.


"Good! I'm just going to go downstairs then I'll come back to keep ye company" I smile and kiss her once more before leaving the room and going down the stairs, into the room my ma was in.

"Did you two have a nice time?" she asked me, as I sat down.

"We did" I started, "but I got Ella drunk"

"Daniel" she scolded me, "why?"

"I thought it would be the right thing to do if I let her have fun"

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