9. Danny

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I'd just got off the phone with my girlfriend, who was busy yet again. I'd hardly seen her in the last 3 or so weeks, every time I wanted her to come over or me to go to hers or to take her out, she always seemed to be busy. Sure, we'd seen each other a few times and it wasn't like I hadn't seen her at all for nearly a month, but I could count on one hand how many times I'd seen her since she started to get really busy. It was hard for me because The Script were taking a bit of a break at the moment as a band in the limelight and we were still in the studio, putting the finishing touches to our songs and the album before we released our first single. Because of this, I knew that I would hardly get to see Layla once we were off promoting the music and touring the world. I had to make the most of the short time we had left before The Script released new music and became extremely busy again but I couldn't do this because Layla always seemed to be busy.

Layla had plans with Els tonight so that didn't bother me too much because Ella had become one of my best friends and I knew that if I couldn't be with Layla, at least she was with Ella and not busy with whatever else she had going on. What really bothered me was how her always being 'too busy' to see me had become a constant in our relationship. When I spoke to Layla, I told her to have fun and she promised to text me when she got to Ella's so I knew she was alright and well. It had been a half hour since we got off the phone and she went to Ella's, and I knew that it took about 20 minutes for Layla to get there so I decided to send Els a quick text to see if Layla had got there alright. Her reply made me feel sick to my stomach. She didn't even know that Layla was going to hers, when Layla told me that they'd had these plans for a while. Ella's next reply to me really did make my stomach churn.
They didn't have any plans tonight. At all.
Why was Layla lying to me?! Why would she hide what she was doing, where she was going from me?! I was her boyfriend, she could trust me and she should tell me these things! I was interrupted from my frustration by another text from Ella, she told me to come over to hers so that's what I did.

On the way there, one thing was going round and round in my head, torturing me and making me feel heavy-hearted. Layla was cheating on me. She had to be, there was no other explanation as to why she was always too busy to see me, why she usually gave no reasons about why she was busy, and why she was lying about her whereabouts. Layla was having an affair. How could she do this to me?! I was an incredible boyfriend, wasn't I? I wasn't trying to brag but I thought that I treated her really well, and I'd never had any complaints from her or any of my previous girlfriends? Even Ella would tell me that she thought I was amazing towards Layla and she wished she'd find someone who was the same way with her. So why wasn't I good enough for Layla?

I got to Ella's and went up to her apartment door, where she invited me in. I still couldn't shake this feeling I had that Layla was having an affair, so when Ella and I sat down to drink our beers, I told her what I thought. I could tell that she was angry with my accusation and I guess she had every right to be, Layla was her good friend and in her eyes, Layla hadn't done anything wrong to even hint at an affair. I explained to her why I thought Layla was having an affair. My words hurt me even more than my thoughts did, saying it aloud convinced me further that Layla was cheating, which broke my heart in two and made me feel an uncomfortable, aching pain in the pits of my stomach. Ella tried to talk me out of it though, but it was no use. I could see she was eventually starting to admit defeat and really understand how I was feeling. She went quiet, extremely quiet. I could sense that something about her manner had changed, and I could see that the look in her eyes had changed, I suddenly didn't think she was just feeling defeated about trying to convince me that Layla wasn't having an affair, I knew something was up and I hated seeing her like this.
"What's wrong?" I asked her, feeling extremely concerned about her and feeling a want to comfort her and make everything better. She didn't respond at first though, but I didn't want to push her and make her feel uncomfortable. Neither of us said a word until Ella finally spoke.

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