1. Danny

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I feel terrible.

I'm a bad boyfriend.

It's Layla's birthday tomorrow and I still don't have a present for her.

This is her first birthday that we're celebrating since we got together just under two months ago, and I want to make sure it's perfect. The problem is, I can't seem to choose a present for her. Maybe it's because I don't know her well enough, or maybe it's because I don't think anything I can find is good enough for her. Either way I'm fucked.

I left my apartment early this morning so I could spend all day looking for the perfect present for her but I'm still just as stuck as I have been the entire time I've been searching.

I've temporarily given up though. Currently sat in a quiet corner in Costa, having a coffee, I try to think about what I can do. If I can't find a present for her myself, then surely I can get one of her friends to help me? That's it! I'm a fucking genius! Why didn't I have this idea sooner? Obviously Layla's friends would know what she likes and wants, they'd be into all the same girly shit as her anyway. I only have one of her friends' numbers though, after her and Layla went on a night out and I was supposed to be picking them up and driving them back to Layla's, since they'd both be too drunk for that and I didn't want my drunk girlfriend making her own way home. so I scroll through my contacts until I find her name, and press call.

Half an hour later, I see a somewhat familiar face walk through the door of Costa and come towards me. I thank her profusely, she came here really quickly to help me get Layla a present, and she said she had a few good ideas about what to get. Layla's really lucky to have such amazing friends but I'm not surprised at all. She's the most beautiful person inside and out, she deserves to have people just as nice as she is in her life. "You came here straightaway to help me get your friend the perfect present, it tells me a lot about Layla as a person. She must be perfect if you'd do this for her" A grin plays on my lips as I speak about her. "I guess you could say that" her friend smiles, "I think it's really lovely that you care so much about her that you'd call me for help".

We walk around the busy mall, going in and out of various shops as Layla's friend, Isabella, shows me the different options I can choose from. She'd had a few things to show me and decided that I should pick from the few things, since it would mean the gift somewhat came from me. Isabella was insistent on making sure that the gift was something personal to Layla, so that it would be more thoughtful and meaningful to her, and I really liked this idea. I wanted my gift to have a personal touch because, as her boyfriend, I should get to know all the little things about her.

Eventually, I settle on getting her some soft cotton bath towels and the Miss Dior perfume and shower gel set. Isabella had told me a story about when they lived in a uni house with a few other friends and they would all shame Layla for only showering once a week! Isabella had assured me it was a joke that Layla's friends always had with her, and that she was sure Layla was a lot more hygienic now. Since it was a joke that everyone had with Layla, I wanted to show my girlfriend that I knew about the funny little things that all her long-time friends knew about, to prove to her that I was on their level and that I really wanted to know everything about her because I wanted her in my life.


Later that evening I'm cuddling my wonderful girlfriend on the sofa of her place. She'd invited me to hers last minute, and we had just finished our takeaway pizzas. "Are you excited for your birthday, beautiful?" I ask her, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead as I tighten the grip that my arms have around her delicate middle. "Yeah, I am" she smiles coyly and nuzzles her face into my neck. I smile to myself, enjoying this moment. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. She yawned into me, starting to get sleepy, "maybe you should go soon, Danny. I'm so tired!".
"Are you sure you don't want me to stay the night? That way I'll be here to cook ye a nice birthday breakfast tomorrow morning!" I smile at her. I know she loves my breakfasts, so it's an offer she won't be able to refuse.
"No, you should go! I have to be up early tomorrow for breakfast with my family so I wouldn't be able to have yours anyway, but thanks" she winks at me when she thanks me, a devilish glint in her eye, "you could always stay a little longer though...?" she trails off, and judging by the smirk on her face I know exactly what she intends for us to do before I leave here tonight. Without wasting any time, we get straight to it.


| The following day |

I had woken up earlier than usual to call my girlfriend and wish her a very happy birthday. She had been spending the morning with her family, going for breakfast with them, but she'd organised a big dinner for all of her friends at a nice Italian restaurant in town. I was currently getting ready for the meal, excited to see her. I was going to meet her at the restaurant a little while before everyone else came, so we could have some time alone together, and then I'd be staying at her place that night. I felt like I hadn't seen her in a while. Today was a really special day and I still hadn't seen her, plus I'd also been busy in the studio over the last couple of weeks, so I had barely had any time left to spend with her. A notification flashed up on my phone letting me know that my Uber car was here, so I took my present for Layla and left my apartment, getting into the car as it made its way to the restaurant. I couldn't wait to see her.

Hello everyone, here is the first chapter! I'm really excited to be starting this story off :) I think I'll be doing one more update this week then my next update will only be next week! This chapter feels like it's broken up and doesn't flow but I'll be filling in all the gaps as best as I can with the next chapter!
Love, Amelia Xx

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