Chapter 02

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Astaroth looked around in curiosity like a puppy as they drove to the theater. It was so interesting being outside of the room, seeing the places that he had only seen in Serin's subconscious. They rode with the windows down so he got to feel the wind blowing in his hair while some pop songs played through the speakers. The sky was decorated it twinkling stars and the occasional jet engine and the town was lit up with warm glowing street lights and the occasional neon sign.

Serin on the other hand tried to resist his normal road rage but he did lay down on the horn when someone cut him off. He wanted to make Astaroth's first night out pleasant and he didn't want to start it off with him getting into a shouting match with some Karen going ten in a thirty.

Looking over to the curious demon he could only smile at how cute the large entity was. The demon hardly fit in the car, it was by no means small being that Serin himself had to endure small cars of his friends and family. He always vowed to keep a spacious car so he wouldn't have to worry about leg room. Astaroth was not so lucky unless Serin splurged on something like a hummer which was not in his Budget.

When they arrived the redhead was happy that he was not the only one to dress up for the movie. He looked back to Astaroth in his shorts and crop top, honestly if the colors were different he could pull off a ken look. Some people would pass and look at the tall entity with lustful eyes that the demon seemed to ignore. Serin did feel a bit of jealousy but he had no right, Astaroth was not his partner, his partner was probably sitting at home right now like he always did.

He pushed past those sad thoughts and led his "date" to the snack counter. There was a line for snacks but he didn't mind, instead took.the time to show the demon funny videos on his phone. Both of them laughed at a man falling through his lawn chair which was refreshing. Marcus never really enjoyed people getting hurt and would judge Serin for laughing.

When they reached the counter both of their mouths practically watered at all of the choices. Normally with Marcus he had to limit himself to one of two of his favorites so that he wouldn't embarrass the other man for pigging out. This time he was going to eat what he wanted, he grabbed a few of the classics like popcorn, a large drink, twizzlers, warheads, and even some milk duds. He knew most of it was overpriced but he wanted Astaroth to enjoy his first night out in this world.  Astaroth hesitantly brought some popcorn to his lips and was pleasantly surprised by the taste. He casually continues to nibble on the treat, showing excitement at being able to taste and eat.

The demon had knowledge of human's but he had no clue how. He didn't even know much about his own existence since he only came to be during the times Serin was paralyzed. When Serin was free from his spell he ceased to exist until the next night. Now here he was in the theater with the very boy he would watch at night. It was everything he could have hoped for.

As they made their way to the theater Serin bumped into someone and was surprised to see Marcus. The man seemed shocked and went ghost white when he saw Serin. The redhead however had his eyes on the girl that Marcus had in his arm. Serin's energy shifted so much that it made Astaroth feel a bit queasy and he was sure that Marcus was going to be sick too.

Astaroth had seen Marcus in bed with Serin on many occasions and could put the pieces together they were together. Honestly he had a bit of jealousy for the man being able to be so close to the redhead. He wondered why he would cancel with him to go out with some girl. He was angry for the redhead and watched Serin fighting back the urge to hit the other man.

The girl in question seemed to be oblivious to the situation casually munching on  twizzlers. She was dressed like a classic Barbie from head to toe, something that the boy could never look like. Serin knew he was not skinny or petite and he could never have the figure of a woman, he was not born with the body he wanted. He tried his best to look beautiful but it seemed to fall in vein when it came to Marcus.

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