I stood proudly just off the edge of a stage. The whole city has gathered to watch this graduation. Most of them are for their own children, while everyone else came to see the first Orelie in almost one hundred years graduate from the academy. I've seen a few other celebrations. Not everyone joins the academy at the same time, so there's usually a couple students graduating every few months or so.
Now it's my turn. I was able to complete my training within two years instead of the normal four. I'm the first for many things.
I glanced around, seeing three other students varying in age. One looks about my age, the others a few years older. From what I've been told, people usually know what magic they're going to specialize in by the time they turn thirteen or fourteen. For others, it takes a while longer if an Orelie isn't around to help. I'm guessing that's what happened to the older students.
Ergo took the stage and the crowd instantly grew silent. "Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you all for coming for this wonderful occasion. We have four students ready to graduate and head into the world to find their purpose. As you may know, one of them is special; an Orelie. The first to graduate in almost one hundred years."
"I know I may not have been headmaster for long..." his words got lost on the wind. I had cast my gaze out to the crowd and spotted Crae. He's here with Mystic and Fenin. As if he felt me staring, he turned his head to lock eyes with me. He gave a small smile and a wave, which I returned. Things have gotten... better between us. I'm still scared of his Demon form, but I've forgiven him. He had his reasons, and if I was in his position I probably would have done the same thing.
"...so, without further ado, I shall now call the names of those who have exceeded our expectations and have graduated with the highest of honors. Please come to the podium when I call your name. Abon Thornwhip, Earth and Nature Mage. Alran Breeze, Wind and Weather Druid. Jakal Morrowind, Alchemist."
"Finally," I started up the few steps to join the others. "Kyrene, Orelie." The applause had been steady and calm for the other three, but the moment my name was called, the entire crowd got to their feet, cheering wildly. Mystic has climbed onto her seat while Fenin held her steady as she waved madly to get my attention.
I stood beside the other students, who also clapped and congratulated me. I felt my cheeks burn with all the attention, but I couldn't help but grin. This feeling... I've never felt it before. I feel pride. Pride and joy.
One by one, Ergo handed a small silver clasp to each of us. In turn, he told us how to pin it to our cloaks. The symbol engraved on the clasp is different for each of us. Mine has the symbol of an eye being held up by cupped hands. I fastened my cloak with it as the crowd became even louder.
Once we were given the OK to join the crowd, I made a beeline for Mystic. The second I got within her line of sight, she rushed over and brought me into a tight embrace.
"I just knew you could do it!" She squealed as she bounced in place. "I never had any doubts! You're simply incredible! Party at my place!"
"Actually," she pulled away and raised an eyebrow at me. "There's... someone I need to talk to first."
Understanding crossed her face. "Well, go on." I slowly turned from her and scanned the crowd. It didn't take me long to pick him out. He stood patiently near the edge of the crowd, hands tucked behind his back as he stared towards the academy. I took a deep breath and made my way to him.
He looked up as I approached, a small smile touching his lips. "You never cease to amaze me."
"I'm glad you could make it, Crae." I gripped my staff tightly. "It means a lot to me."

FantasyA dying line of Druids is shaking the magical world to its core. Orelie, the Oracle Druids, are rapidly disappearing. The reasoning behind the disappearances are unknown, as well as who is behind it all. A girl from the Human world may be the key to...