This story is a bit of a passion project I've been working on for the last 5-6 years, constantly editing once I concluded it, and doing everything I could to make it perfect. I believe I have finally finished and would like to share it with you all. I will be posting updates on Sundays and/or Mondays.
I have always been frail my whole life. I am nearly skin and bones, my skin paler than linen sheets. I'm sick almost all the time. Doctors don't know what's wrong with me. They just check my vitals, hand my caretaker a new set of medicine, then are on their way. Nothing changes.
Because of how weak I am, I am bed ridden, but not by choice. Metal clanked as I moved my feet. I sighed sadly as I felt the cool metal brush my ankles.
My caretaker never lets me walk or do anything on my own. She has shackled me to my bed to keep me from leaving. I have tried many times in the past few years, each time ending in failure and pain. My legs can no longer support my weight and I have forgotten how to walk.
A soft, gentle breeze blew in my window and I turned my attention to the open field that stretched to the tree line of the forest. I have forgotten what the grass feels like. I closed my eyes as the sun parted the clouds and bathed my face in its warmth.
I am happy my bed is next to my window.
My happiness dissipated as my door opened. I slowly turned my head to see my caretaker, Ella, step in with a tray of food.
"Good morning," She greeted as she paced over to me. I nodded in return and stared longingly at the world before me.
She stopped at my bed and pulled a chair over. "It's time to eat."
"Ella?" I asked just above a whisper.
"Hm?" I heard a fork touch the plate.
"What does the grass feel like today?" I leaned my head against the wall.
She sighed softly. "Well, it's unseasonably warm this time of year. The grass is used to being wet, but with the heat, it is starting to dry out little by little. So, right now, the grass feels sharp and brittle."
I nodded slowly and turned to face Ella to eat. As she lifted the fork to my mouth, my vision blurred and I was no longer in my room, but in a dark, depressing space. It was lit with only one gas lamp. I stared at the bed, a feeling of loneliness filling me. On the bed laid a tired, old woman.
I instantly recognized her as Ella. Tears streamed down her cheeks as her breath became slower and slower with every passing moment. Soon, she breathed her last.
I was suddenly brought back to reality when something touched my lips. I opened my mouth and blinked, seeing Ella before me in her bright, vibrant youth.
"You did it again," She scolded me as I chewed. "How many times have I told you that it's impolite to stare? You know better."
I swallowed. "Sorry, Ella. I've told you I can't help it."
"Then try harder." I wish it was that easy. We spent the rest of the meal in silence, Ella feeding me. I wish I could do more things for myself. Ella has never given me a reason as to why she takes care of me this much.
"Do you need to use the restroom?" I was pulled from my thoughts when she spoke. I slowly nodded. Ella pulled a key from her pocket and removed my sheet. She undid the shackles and swung my feet off the bed. She hoisted me up into her arms and she carried me down the hall.
Once she finished up with me in there, I was carried back to my room and chained to my bed once more. "If you need anything from me, don't hesitate to call for me." With that, she left me to myself, shutting the door behind her.
And so begins another boring day of sitting and staring out my window. I carefully adjusted myself so I could see out my window better. The wind blew once more and I sighed softly. When I opened my eyes once more, something was different.
It was too far away to tell, but I could have sworn that something was standing where the field met the forest. When I blinked, it was gone. Must have been a trick of the light. I brushed it off and closed my eyes, letting the wind play with my hair.
But I kept getting the feeling that something, or someone, was watching me. I opened my eyes again and stared at where the figure was.
My vision began to blur again. I waited to see what I would be shown. I gasped and covered my mouth.
An extravagant field of flowers stretched on for miles. I turned and tried to take in as much as I possibly could. I paused when I saw myself. I was dancing in the flowers, laughing. I wasn't pale like a ghost, and my hair as white as snow billowed behind me. I was in a white gown, vibrant, exotic flowers in my hand.
A deep voice called my name. When both my vision self and I turned, the scene vanished. I coughed a sob and clutched at my chest.
It was... beautiful. There's no other way to describe it. I felt safe, free, and alive. I felt whole; complete.
I want to see it again. I quickly cleared my eyes from the tears and frantically searched for what could have brought on such a sight. Minutes passed, but nothing happened. I couldn't see the flower fields. I couldn't feel the playful wind. Nor could I see who called for me.
I burst into tears and curled into a ball.
"Kyrene! Kyrene, what's wrong?" A hand shook my shoulder.
I flung myself at Ella. "Ella, it- it was so beautiful!" I dug my fingers into her shoulders. "I-I want to see it again!"
"Kyrene, what on Earth are you talking about?" Ella pulled me back and began drying my face with a cloth.
I sniffed and hiccupped. "Th-the flowers! A field of flowers! I-I was in a white gown and I was holding flowers! I was walking- dancing! I want to see it again, Ella!"
"Kyrene, you've never done that before," Ella said sternly. "You've never been outside and danced. You must have been dreaming."
"But I wasn't!" I insisted. "I saw myself do it! My vision blurred and-"
"None of that nonsense!" Ella snapped and cut me off. My lip quivered. "You can't see things like that! You can't see the future! You're daydreaming! Just accept that fact and move on! It's no wonder everyone left you! You make crazy, out of this world assumptions and drive people away!"
I bit my lip. Ella... "No more, Kyrene. No more." With that, she stood and left, shutting the door firmly behind her. I grabbed my pillow and hugged it tightly to me.
How could she say that? I squeezed my eyes shut, more tears flowing onto the pillow. She's never lashed out at me like that. She's never hurt me before. She's never, ever brought my past up to intentionally hurt me.
I gritted my teeth and tossed my pillow across the room. My fingers looped around the chain links and I began tugging with as much strength as I could muster to try and break the chains around my ankles.
I grunted and struggled to no avail. I have to get out of here. I thought to myself. Even if I can't walk, I'll crawl if I have to!
I imagined the chains shattering in my mind. I pulled harder when my hands started to hurt. I have to leave. I can't be here anymore! I want to see that scene again with my own eyes!
Just when I thought I was making progress, a gust of wind rushed into my room, bringing with it a roll of thunder and rain. I cried out in shock and covered myself.
"Ella!" My door burst open a few seconds later. The cold wind and rain stopped not long after once my window was shut.
"You're soaked," She unlocked the shackles and picked me up. "Let's get you warm and in dry sheets."
I looked over her shoulder back towards my window.
I swear I saw the shadow of a face disappear.

FantasyA dying line of Druids is shaking the magical world to its core. Orelie, the Oracle Druids, are rapidly disappearing. The reasoning behind the disappearances are unknown, as well as who is behind it all. A girl from the Human world may be the key to...