Ever since I ran off with Fern to the sycamore, Crae hasn't let me out of his sight. He's worried I might run off somewhere and not come back. He thinks that by me going out, it'll bring all the rogue Druids and Alchemists to the area and they'll want to kidnap me.
It's a silly thought, but also kind of concerning. What if one of them does happen to find me? I don't want to be taken away and be corrupted for evil. Or worse, killed. Crae had told me a few days ago that there is a way to kill someone and take their powers.
I shuddered at the thought and focused back on the potion book Crae had me start reading. The first ten chapters have easy level potions, ones I could make in my sleep. The rest progressively got harder to do. He said we'd wait for those.
I glanced up to see Crae sitting in the chair. He hasn't moved from that spot for three hours. He's reading his own book, but the second I twitch and shift positions, he stares at me until I settle into place. I really worried him that day.
"Crae?" He glanced up. "When did you say someone from the academy would be here?"
He set his book down and stretched his arms. "They should be here within the week. It won't be long now until we figure out why you can use three elemental magics. I seriously hope it's just because we're finally tapping into your powers and they're a little out of control from not being used once."
I nodded slowly and returned to my book. I really hope I actually use multiple elemental magics. It is possible to use them in dire situations, but to have full mastery of them all and be able to use them to their full ability would be amazing.
I had to stop reading after another thirty minutes. I was growing restless and I need to walk around. I grunted as I stood, instantly alerting Crae. He followed suit and stood with me. I paced around the cottage, wanting out. We haven't left the cottage in a few days; not since the sycamore incident.
Crae sighed. "I think it's time we made a grocery run."
"Finally!" I spun around and went up the stairs. I nearly tripped a few times, but made it up in one piece to grab my shoes. Once they were secure, I trotted down the steps and came to a stop right beside Crae.
"Shall we?" He chuckled and ruffled my hair. I quickly fixed it and followed him out of the cottage to the town.
"What are we gonna get today?" I asked as I walked beside him, a slight skip in my step.
"Just whatever sounds good," He stared on ahead, a small smile in place. He missed being outside as well. "We're a bit low on a lot of things, so I think we should stock up. We'll get what we can, then head home."
"And maybe practice magic?" I grinned hopefully.
Crae shook his head and my mood quickly fell. "No, not until someone from the academy sheds some light on your case."
I pouted and remained silent. No sense in changing his mind. It makes sense, though. We don't know if those three elements might have damaged by body without us knowing it. We have to play it safe, just in case.
When Crae said we were going to be stocking up, he really meant it. It took us nearly an hour to get the excess things that didn't fit properly put away when we got home. I didn't think everything was going to fit in the cabinets and pantry. The meat chest is so full, it almost wouldn't close. We had to force it down by sitting on it, though I'm certain my weight didn't make a difference.
We should be set for food for the next month or so.
I helped Crae make dinner for us, making sure I didn't mess anything up with my seemingly out of control magic. I focused hard on making sure I did one thing and one thing only. It worked and we didn't have any problems.

FantasyA dying line of Druids is shaking the magical world to its core. Orelie, the Oracle Druids, are rapidly disappearing. The reasoning behind the disappearances are unknown, as well as who is behind it all. A girl from the Human world may be the key to...