For the next three weeks, Crae kept a close eye on me for any effects the Demon might have left on me. Despite a sore arm that went away after three days, I was perfectly fine. I've actually gotten a bit stronger since then in both body and magic.
Since the Demon attack, Crae and I discovered I have magic abilities in all the natural elements and their subcategories, light magic, and a bit of healing. It's gotten harder for him to train me, but he's doing the best he can. I have the Fairies and Elementals to help me where he can't. To our surprise, I suddenly began to understand the Elementals one day. That certainly helped with training.
Today, Crae is taking me to the market so I can relearn to pick up and transport groceries. He won't be helping me at all as I transport them back to the cottage. It's proving to be a bit difficult, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it.
"When we're done here, we're going to stop by the healing house." Crae suddenly said as we stopped at the vegetable stands.
I met his gaze. "What for?"
"Training, and for them to check your arm."
I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. "Okay, sounds like a plan." Any time we get close to the town, we always stop by the healing house so Vaeri can check my arm out. He's been overly protective since the incident with the Demon.
Once I transported the last of the groceries we needed, Crae took us over to the healing house.
The second we stepped in, Vaeri stood. "Crae, for the thousandth time, she's fine!"
"Just please look," he pleaded.
With an exaggerated sigh, she walked over to me and took up my arm. After a few seconds of scanning over it, she let go. "Perfectly fine, as I said. There's nothing to worry about."
"I just had to make sure," Crae let out a breath he had been holding.
"I've been meaning to ask you," he met her gaze again. "Why are you so... overbearing with this?"
He bit his lip and looked away. "I'm just... afraid the Demon might have done something to her. The wound was a lot worse this time than the other times. I just want to make sure everything checks out."
"Well, it does." She assured him.
"And," he started as she raised an eyebrow at him. "Kyrene needs to train more with healing."
"Alright," Vaeri held her hands up. "Let's get this over with so I can get your overprotective ass out of my office." My eyes widened at her language. I've never heard her speak that way before.
Vaeri took me into a separate room and sat me before a desk. "Today, we are going to be working on healing potions. They're real simple to make. I'll show you which ingredients to use and how much. Now..."
For the next hour, we made nothing but healing potions for different ailments. Whatever I made, I got to keep. As Vaeri said, you never know when you'll need it.
Just before we left, Crae asked a question. "When can she begin using magic to heal herself or others?"
Vaeri thought for a moment. "If she keeps coming to see me, I'd say within a week or so. Healing magic can be very difficult and hard to grasp. That's why I've been taking things slow with her."
He nodded. "Understandable. Good day, Vaeri."
She waved him off. "Yeah, whatever. Bye, Kyrene! Come back soon!" With that, we left the healers house and headed back home.
Upon our return, we had to put away a few of the groceries I had transported that didn't quite make it to where they belonged. Once done, Crae lit the fireplace. I knew right there we were going to practice with fire magic.

FantasyA dying line of Druids is shaking the magical world to its core. Orelie, the Oracle Druids, are rapidly disappearing. The reasoning behind the disappearances are unknown, as well as who is behind it all. A girl from the Human world may be the key to...