It rained for the next two days, nonstop. I missed the sun and being able to have my window open. I missed the gentle breeze and the sounds of the outside world. As much as I loved the rain and how clean it makes the world feel, I prefer the sunshine.
"Kyrene." I turned towards my door. "The doctor is here to check on you."
I lowered my head and looked into my lap. He won't find anything...
The doctor stepped in, a rather young fellow. This isn't my doctor. "Who are you?" I asked.
"Kyrene, this is Dr. Brist." Ella showed him into my room. "Your doctor had too many calls and couldn't come to see you. I figured a fresh pair of eyes might be able to know what's going on with you."
"Nothing's wrong..." I muttered. At least, I hope not.
"Hello. Kyrene, was it?" I looked up into his light eyes. "I'm Dr. Brist. How you feeling?"
"A little sad." I replied.
"Sad?" He pulled a chair up. "Why are you sad?" He gently picked my arm up and began to check my vitals.
"It's raining," I stated.
"Don't you like the rain?" He asked as he gently bent my arm at the elbow.
"I love the rain. It's just..." I stared at the gloomy clouds. "I love the sun and being able to have my window open."
"I see. Look here." I turned and he shined a light in my eyes. I blinked when he put it away.
"Everything seems to be normal." Dr. Brist said as he put his tools away. "She's not sick, despite being rained on yesterday, and everything checks out. Though, she is very underweight."
"Yes, I am aware of that," Ella said. "She's always been a frail girl..." My eyes blurred as I stared at Dr. Brist. Ella's voice faded as I began to see something else.
A woman cried out in pain and held her lower back. "Hang in there, little one." She grunted and fell to the floor. "Daddy will be home soon." She cried out in pain once more and held her bloated stomach.
My eyes widened as I came back to reality. "You have a wife!"
"Huh?" Dr. Brist and Ella gave me questionable looks. "W-well, uh, yes, Kyrene. How did you know?"
"She's in trouble!" I grabbed his arm, fear filling me. "She's crying out in pain! She needs you!"
"Kyrene, what in the world are you talking about?" Ella snapped.
I ignored her. "Dr. Brist, please trust me! Your wife is in pain. She was holding her stomach!"
Dr. Brist abruptly stood, toppling the chair. "I'm sorry, but I must go. I'll be back first thing in the morning." He grabbed his bag and raced from the room.
I turned back to Ella to speak, but my words got caught in my throat. "How many times have I told you to stop that!"
"Ella, please, I can't control it! It just happens!" I gasped when she smacked my cheek. It burned badly and tears instantly fell down my face.
"Why must you always hurt people?" Her tone was cruel. "Why must you always turn them away with lies? Do you feed off of that? Do you like hurting them?!"
"No!" I cried out. "Ella, I don't mean to! Please, I'm sorry!"
"Stop talking!" She shouted at me, her eyes wild with hate. "I don't want to hear another word out of you! Your words have caused enough harm!"
I bit my lip and hid my face. I wanted to apologize, but I was afraid that if I spoke again, she would hit me. Why did she hit me? She's never struck me before. Why today?
The door closed and I began to sob softly. Something's changed in Ella. She's not the caretaker I used to know. She's... different. I turned over on my side and stared at the wall as the tears continued to fall. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to leave. I wish I could walk again and leave! I don't want to be here if Ella is going to hurt me!
I quickly sat up and began pulling at the chains, begging and pleading they would break. No matter how hard I pulled, the chains refused to budge. They almost seemed... stronger. Thicker. But how is that possible? These have been the chains used on me since Ella became my caretaker a few years or so ago.
After several more minutes of struggling, I gave up on trying to break the chains. It was useless. I was too weak to break them myself. I'd almost need the key. No, I would need the key to get free. No doubt about it.
I grimaced as I touched the side of my cheek. It stung bad and it felt sticky. I pulled hand away to look at it and I found partially dried blood on my fingers. She... broke skin.
That settled it for me. The next chance I get when her guard is down, I'm grabbing that key and getting out of here.
But... where will I go? I have no family or friends. I could try to find my doctor. Or maybe Dr. Brist. Any place would be better than here with Ella. I have a feeling that if I stay here any longer, she could end up killing me. There's still so much I want to do.
I looked back toward the window, seeing the rain starting to let up. I might be able to open it tomorrow. As I stared, I thought about when would be a good time to escape. I can't do it tomorrow; she'll be expecting it.
I'll just have to put up with this for about another week. I can do that, right?

FantasyA dying line of Druids is shaking the magical world to its core. Orelie, the Oracle Druids, are rapidly disappearing. The reasoning behind the disappearances are unknown, as well as who is behind it all. A girl from the Human world may be the key to...