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"She specializes in water and nature magic, eh?" Mystic sat back in the chair as I picked at my fingers. "Isn't it extremely rare for an Orelie to specialize in more than one element magic?"

"More rare than actually finding an Orelie." Crae nodded. "I figured that since you're well versed in water magic, you could try and teach her a little bit so she doesn't flood our home again." I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

Mystic chuckled. "Of course. I'd be honored to teach an Orelie. One doesn't get this chance very often. Come on." We stood and she led me to a small stream that ran through the forest.

"Now," We knelt down before it. "The first thing you need to do is feel the water. It may be gentle here, but in other places, it is wild and can harm you. They say you are touching every body of water through one. All water is connected in some way."

She dipped her hand into the crystal clear water. It rippled gently around her. I watched in amazement as she made small bubbles and whirlpools around her hand.

"The water is slow and gentle; very easy to work with." She pulled her hand back. "For right now, just stick your hand in the water and feel it run over your skin."

I nodded slowly and dipped my fingertips in. Instantly, a wave of water rushed up and dowsed us. I blinked, stunned. "I'm sorry!"

"Pft..." I glanced up to see Mystic clutch at her sides and begin laughing. "Th-that was amazing! You truly are a powerful being! Okay, okay. Let's try this again, but this time, I'll hold your hand so I can help you channel your magic. One more time."

She twined her fingers around mine as I stuck my fingers in the water again. Nothing happened this time. The water freely caressed my hand as it moved around me. I smiled and chuckled softly.

"It's very cool to the touch," I said as I let my fingers play in the gentle currents.

Mystic smiled beside me. "It is. When I was a little girl, I always felt at home when I played in a river or a lake. I felt safe and comforted. I was very happy when I was told I specialized in water magic as I grew older. I just knew it was meant to be."

"Since then, the water and I have formed a bond." She sat us back and I pulled my hand out of the water. "Believe it or not, the water asks for things from time to time, be it a small trinket, or a coin it can take to another who may need it. In return, it protects me from harm."

"That's amazing." I breathed out in excitement. "I never knew water could speak! How did you discover this?"

"The Fairies." She grinned up at the sky. "I had accidentally dropped a coin in the water. As I reached for it, a Fairy darted in front of me and said the water thanked me for the offer. The one Fairy, Droplet, helped me understand the water."

"Wow," I turned back to the stream. "Is it saying anything right now?"

"No," Mystic shook her head. "It's calm, though it is happy an Orelie can practice with it. It's forgotten how gentle an Orelie's touch is."

"Gentle?" I stared at my hand. "What do you mean?"

"Orelie are very in tune with Fucrya," She explained. "The world lives and breathes with the Orelie. Of course, it can survive on it own, but when the Orelie were in abundance, they helped maintain the elemental order. They could tell when a plant was sick, or if the water had been contaminated. They could warn the rest of us from a sudden storm and direct it, or change it to be less severe."

"Orelie sound amazing." I sighed as I stared at the water. "I just wish I could meet others and understand everything from their perspective. It would be easier on Crae and I. The Orelie could help me with my visions while you and Crae help me with the elemental aspects."

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