"Crae..." I said his name slowly and softly, testing it. It flowed so naturally out of my mouth. I licked my lips then turned to him. "Crae, where exactly are we going?"
He sighed and smiled. "We are going to find my home. It's not too far from here. We'll be there before the sun goes down." I think we have different definitions of "soon."
"Crae...?" I feel like I'm bugging him with all my questions.
"Hm?" His gaze never waivered from the path ahead of us.
"My caretaker, Ella," His eyes narrowed at my words. "What was wrong with her? She... she's never acted like that before."
He stopped and took a deep breath. "Kyrene, as much as I know you want answers, I think it would be best to save the explanations until we can get back to my home. You are safe with me, but if we were to be ambushed, I don't know if I could fend them all off while holding you. If I set you down, you'd be vulnerable."
I bit my lip and looked away. He's right. I'd just be a burden. I can't fend for myself; I can't even stand on my own. Why did he even come to rescue me? Why did he want to save me when he didn't even know my situation? He must regret saving me for not being able to fend for myself.
"Let's continue," All I did was nod as he started walking again. We were in a tense silence; at least it felt tense to me. I had so many questions waiting to be asked. They felt like they were going to explode out at any moment. But I bit my tongue.
I looked up to see the path and gasped. A strange creature floated in front of us, its wings lazily flapping in the wind.
"What's that?!" I cowered into Crae. I'd never seen a creature like that! It almost looks like a cross between a goat and a butterfly, but more oddly colored, shorter horns, and no legs.
"Ah, that would be an Elder Sylph," Crae chuckled. "This particular spirit decided to take on more of an animal-insect look than the usual bird. Very harmless, actually. As they grow older with age, they tend to slow down and drift on the wind to get to wherever it takes them. When it passes, it is said they turn into the clouds above us so they can carry more of their kind to safety."
"That's..." I watched as another gust of wind blew, spinning the creature high up into the sky and out of sight. "Unusual..."
"To you, yes," I met his kind gaze. "To me, it's a natural thing to see. There are many more creatures like the lazy Sylph here in Fucrya."
"Where exactly is Fucrya?" I blurted the question out before I could stop it. "Is it a place on Earth?"
He shook his head. "Fucrya is, you could say, a parallel world to Earth. It can only be accessed by it's inhabitants. No human on Earth can enter through the veil that separates the two realms."
I tilted my head at that. "Then how could I get through?"
"I'll explain later." And we fell silent once more, this time it was more calm. I was able to relax a bit as I took in the sights around us. On our journey, we passed a couple other Sylphs and a variety of other strange beings, but I didn't ask to know what they were. It was as if all the questions I wanted to ask no longer wanted to be voiced.
I turned my head back to Crae. He smiled as he kept his eyes trained forward. I stared hard at him. Who is this man? And why can't I seem to see something about him? I've always been able to with other people, but why not him? Do I need to be looking directly into his eyes?
He caught my gaze. "Are you alright?"
I blinked. "Yeah, just..." What do I say? "Just wondering when we'll be at your place."
The corner of his lips turned up in a slight smile. "Very soon. We're nearly there. Just another turn around this hill and we'll be there." Sure enough, when we made the turn around the hill we'd been following, I saw a cottage.
The side of the cottage was flush up against the hill. The rest sat facing us, seeming inviting and homey. Green ivy vines climbed the stone walls, framing the windows and arched door. A tree shaded the cottage more, covering the roof. I'd never seen a two story cottage.
Crae opened the stone gate separating the wild grass from the well trimmed lawn. The stone wall stood around waist high on Crae, maybe stomach height on me. It wrapped around in a straight rectangle and disappeared behind the cottage.
"Welcome to my home," Crae spoke as we walked up the cobblestone steps to the door. He turned the knob and stepped in. The cottage was open and bright, despite being in the shadows. Most of the walls were bare, save for a few scenic pictures scattered around.
Crae left his shoes in the entrance way and took us into the sitting room. He set me in an arm chair near the fire place. I admired the stained oak mantle that seamlessly transitioned into in the intricate stonework. Fresh wood waited to be lit.
"Would you like a drink?" I was pulled from the craftsmanship and looked up to Crae.
"Oh, uh, please." I nodded and gazed around the contemporary room, taking in the cream walls and dark wood floors. The furnishing was simple and positioned in an inviting half circle. A large coffee table sat in easy reaching distance. Simple oil lamps sat on either side of the couch.
"I hope sweet tea is alright," My head snapped back up and I caught Crae's gaze. I stared long and hard, hoping to see something.
"Oh!" My cheeks warmed as I took the tea cup. "Thank you..."
"Were you expecting something?" Crae asked when I set my cup in my lap.
I quickly shook my head. "N-no, I just didn't expect you to be right there. I was... distracted."
He smiled and sat on the ledge to the fire place. "I could see that. Tell me, do you like it so far?"
I nodded. "From what I've seen, it is a nice place so far. Very warm and open."
"Good." He stood and walked to the window behind me. "I hope you will get used to it, for this will be your home from now on."
I nearly choked on my tea. "I'm sorry, what?"
"You will be living here with me," He said again. "I will, in essence, become your new caretaker until you can fend for yourself."
"I can't live with some stranger!" I exclaimed. I wish I could see his expression. Curse my legs... "I just met you today! I don't even know you! Not to mention you've avoided most of my questions about who you are! Nothing about why we're here, what this place is exactly, and how I'm able to enter here when I'm human! And! You've never told me anything about what happened to Ella!"
"None of that matters right now." My mouth popped open in shock. "Right now, you just need to finish your tea then get some rest. Today was rather eventful for you. You must be tired."
"Not in the least bit!" I frowned. "I have way too many questions that need answers!"
"I will answer them after you've rested." I scowled. "For now, finish your tea and let me know when you are ready to head upstairs so you can rest."
I huffed, but complied. If it gets him to speak faster, then so be it. Once I had finished my drink, Crae picked me up out of the chair and carried me up the stairs to a room. The room was elegant, but still plain with a simple bed, desk, and dresser with a silver mirror hanging above it.
Crae laid me down in the bed. "I'll come check up on you in a few hours." He left my room but left the door open a crack. I've always known a closed door. It felt strange to see the shadows in the hall. My door had never been left open when Ella left me alone.
It was a nice change. With a shrug, I rolled over on my side and closed my eyes, finding myself more tired than I thought.
As I drifted to sleep, I thought I felt something watching me.
I didn't question it as I slept.

خيال (فانتازيا)A dying line of Druids is shaking the magical world to its core. Orelie, the Oracle Druids, are rapidly disappearing. The reasoning behind the disappearances are unknown, as well as who is behind it all. A girl from the Human world may be the key to...