"So, how was your first day of classes?" Rodnik asked as he sat with me for dinner.
I grinned. "I really enjoyed it. Aside from the fact I ruined a few tree projects, everything went well. I believe I made a couple friends."
He chuckled. "I heard about that. Him and I had a long talk afterwards."
"Anyway, are you ready to hear what classes you're taking tomorrow?"
I nodded. "Yes, I am."
"First thing in the morning, you will be doing fire training at training ground B." He glanced up. "You will have a break until around two in the afternoon, then you will have training for air. An hour before dinner, you and I will work with light magic."
"Kyrene!" I looked behind me to see Myla and Striker walking towards me.
"And I will take that as my cue to leave." Rodnik smiled at me once more, then got up to leave.
"What was that about?" Myla asked as she sat beside me, Striker in Rodnik's spot.
"He was just wondering how I was fitting in." I said. "He was only checking on me. Oh, shoot! I got my sleeve in my food." I dipped my fingers in my water, then rubbed it on my sleeve. It took a few tries, but I was able to get it out before it stained.
"I thought you specialized in Earth magic?" Myla tilted her head in confusion.
I grinned shyly. "I have a few specialties. So! How's your project coming?" I quickly turned the attention to Striker.
He grumbled and poked at his food. "Still no breakthrough yet. But I'm trying. Everyday I work on it, I'm getting closer."
"That's good," I nodded. "Just keep trying."
He smirked. "Always." We fell into light chatter, enjoying our own little world. For not having much human contact growing up, it felt natural to speak with them. I think it helps that we're all about the same age.
"Whoa, Striker wasn't kidding about your scar." I quickly hid my arm. I hadn't realized my sleeve had slid up. "Hey, it's alright. I have one, too."
I glanced down to see her lifting her pant leg. She had the exact same Demon brand as me. "It's just from a low class fire Demon, but I should count myself lucky."
"Demon brands, huh?" Striker stood to try and get a better look at her leg. "So now you're both being hunted by Demons?"
"Mine's dead," Myla put her leg back down. "My family had hired a Demon hunter to take care of it. What about you?"
I stared at the brand. "Mine is still out there, but he won't be coming for me anytime soon."
"What do you mean?" Striker asked.
I bit my lip. "Well, he's been taken care of, for the most part. So long as I take the proper precautions, he can't get me."
"Can't you hire a Demon hunter?" Myla asked.
I pushed my food aside. "He's too powerful. My Demon is a Blood Demon."
Striker grimaced. "Yeah, that's bad. Good thing we have amazing protection here."
"Yeah..." the conversation died out and we ate in silence. They did, anyway. I just stared at my scar.
"So," Myla broke the tension. "Will you be there for training tomorrow?"
I shook my head. "I'm busy with a few other things, but we could meet back up in the alchemy lab, though."
"That works," Striker pushed my plate back in front of me. "So what do you need to do?"

FantasyA dying line of Druids is shaking the magical world to its core. Orelie, the Oracle Druids, are rapidly disappearing. The reasoning behind the disappearances are unknown, as well as who is behind it all. A girl from the Human world may be the key to...