Everything was too quiet. The world around me sounds... fuzzy, if that's even the right word to use. I grunted as a light ringing sounded in my ears. That just made me feel nauseous. I laid back down and waited for everything to come back to me.
Soon, the world around me became clear. I slowly sat up and rubbed at my head, trying to remember what happened. I know I was attacked by a Dwarf and a dragon creature, but what happened after that?
My eyes popped wide as it dawned on me. I fought them. I trapped the Dragon in my vines and the Dwarf in the ground. I didn't use my staff and went overboard with my magic. I overexerted myself. Didn't Crae warn me about that? That it could damage my body?
I grimaced and shook my head. Speaking of Crae, where is he? Last I saw him, he was fighting with the Dragon. Is he okay? Did he make it out alive? I hope nothing happened to him. I don't know what I'd do without him. I don't know where I'd be.
I glanced around. Where exactly am I? As I took in my surroundings, it soon began to make sense. I'd greatly affected my body with my magic. Someone must have brought me to the healer's house. But who?
A soft knock sounded at the door before it opened. "I had a feeling you were awake."
I smiled softly. "Hey, Vaeri. I wasn't expecting to see you so soon again."
She gave a light chuckle and sat on the bed beside me. "I wasn't expecting you to not use your staff when casting magic."
I looked away and bit at my cheek. "Yeah... It was the only way I could have contained the Dragon and the Dwarf."
"Hey," I met her eyes. "As much as I hate to say it, I'm glad you used your full magic. Those two have been causing so much trouble. We'd heard of them passing through our town and hijacking our supply carts. Had you suppressed your magic, they would have gotten away before the authorities arrived."
"So, they've been put away?" I asked.
"Yes," She nodded. "They'll be behind enchanted bars for a long time. I must say, though, I almost passed out when I saw you. First I had a couple Fairies enter my office, then a huge swarm of them talked to me all at once. The only thing I got out of it was that you were hurt."
"What do you mean?"
"Because you didn't use your staff, your body greatly suffered." She explained. "When my husband and I saw you, you had blood coming out from your mouth, nose, and ears. You were paler than a linen sheet and you were hardly breathing. Upon examination, I discovered that you were suffering from internal bleeding."
"I'm sorry," I whispered and looked into my lap. "I should have used my staff. I went against Crae's wishes to use it as much as possible. He would be very disappointed in me if he found out I didn't use it. Where is he?"
Vaeri let out a soft sigh. "I was hoping you could tell me. We went out to look for him, but where the first fight occurred, we couldn't find a trace of where he might have gone. It was as if he just disappeared."
"I hope he's okay," I looked out the window beside my bed. "I don't know what I'd do if he didn't come back. I can't make it to the academy by myself; I don't know where to go. I hardly know any magic, and what I do know is the basics. I don't think I'd be able to defend myself if I met more Rogues."
"You could stay with us." She brushed some of my hair from my face. "We'd take care of you and we'd accompany you to the forest if you need to practice your magic. My husband and I could even teach you healing magic."
I gave her a light smile. "I would love that, but I have grown accustomed to being under Crae's roof that I don't know what I would do away from it. It has so much information and things I could learn. It has history."
"I understand." She pat my leg and stood. "I'll be sending out more scouts for Crae to see if they can find him. Just stay put and rest. I'll be back later." I nodded and she left without another word.
I sighed to myself and stood to gaze out my window. I rested my hands against the window sill and watched the crowd below me. They probably have no idea what happened outside their town.
My eyes widened at what I saw. I couldn't believe it. I turned from the window and raced down the hall to a flight of stairs. It took me a while, but I finally found the front room on the ground floor.
I went right for the door.
"Kyrene!" Vaeri shouted behind me. "You shouldn't be out of bed!" I ignored her and shoved the doors open. I ran as fast as I could to catch up to the one I saw.
I threw my arms open. "Crae!" The figure turned just in time to catch me as I crashed into him. "I was so worried about you."
He gently rubbed the back of my head and held me close. "I'm so relieved to find you." I felt his cheek rest on my head.
"What happened?" I asked as I pulled back. "What did the dragon do to you when you fought?"
He grimaced and looked away. "It was a rookie mistake. I was so focused on the Drake that I forgot the Dwarf was there. He was able to stun me long enough so he and the Drake could get away. When I came to, they were gone and so were you. I had come here to see if I could find clues."
I grinned and wiped the tears away. "Well, you found me."
He smiled back and pulled me against him. "Yes, I did find you."
"Kyrene!" A voice snapped. "You aren't well enough to be out of bed -oh, hello, Crae- and you could suddenly collapse again!"
"Wait, slow down," Crae stated as he pulled me back. "Collapse? What happened?"
Right as I was about to answer, the world suddenly turned out from under me. I felt dizzy and hot.
When I opened my eyes again, I was back in my room. I slowly turned my head to find Crae sitting in a chair beside my bed. He stared intently at me, his eyes hard.
"Vaeri told me that the Fairies said you used a large amount of magic without your staff." He said, very straight to the point.
When I was certain I could sit up, I propped myself up. "Yes, I did. But it was necessary. See, the Drake and the Dwarf found my hiding spot in the sycamore. I used my magic to trap the dragon in thick, enchanted vines, and I buried half of the Dwarf in the sand."
I cut him off. "Crae, I was alright. I wasn't too badly hurt. No one actually landed a hit on me."
"But you had severe internal injuries." He cut in. "Vaeri told me that you had several of your muscles and tendons torn to shreds from the sudden flux of magic that coursed through your body. Your body temperature rose so high, it was as if you were on fire internally. On top of it, you had blood coming from your eyes, nose, and ears. Kyrene, your body was ripping itself apart because it couldn't handle the magic you used! You made a staff for a reason! Use it next time!"
I hung my head in shame. "Yes, Crae. I promise to use my staff, no matter what."
He let out a heavy sigh and stood. He wrapped his arms tightly around me. "Let's just hope there isn't a next time. I was so worried about you." I just nodded.
"Once you're well enough, we'll head back to the cottage." He said after a while of silence. "You won't be doing any magic for a few days, or until your body heals. Whichever comes first. I want to make sure you're completely healed from this whole ordeal before we do even the simplest of magic. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Crae." I relaxed into the bed and sighed to myself. "I'm so sorry I worried you."
"What's done is done," Crae leaned back in the chair. "We can't change anything. Just heal up as fast as you can and everything will straighten itself out."
"Understood," I relaxed into the bed and shut my eyes. I really overdid it. I should have known better and asked for the Fairies help. It wouldn't have gotten as bad as it did.
Magic is a hard thing to understand.

FantasyA dying line of Druids is shaking the magical world to its core. Orelie, the Oracle Druids, are rapidly disappearing. The reasoning behind the disappearances are unknown, as well as who is behind it all. A girl from the Human world may be the key to...