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I can now see their faces a little more clearly. They make room for us in their circle, and we sit down. They're all wearing swimming trunks and a t-shirt over it and they look around our age.

"I'm Lucia, this is Lauren and Juliana," she introduces us. Everyone else starts to introduce themselves. Nace sitting on the left of me, then Bojan, Jure, Kris, and Jan. I'm not sure if I'll even make the effort to remember their names, but whatever. They look like nice enough guys.

The heat from the campfire is nice and warm. We put our bags down next to us and grab the bottles of wine.

The simple conversation of "where are you from" and "wow I've never been there" follows, not as awkwardly as expected though. It turns out, there's a lot of different nationalities sitting around this fire.

The guys are all from Slovenia, except for the brown haired one. He's part Serbian and a part something else? I honestly can't keep up.

After a few good beers, we finally get around to really chatting with them, and they're honestly a great group of people. Not to mention, quite attractive too.

"Wait.. so you're all from different countries? You must not see each other often," Bojan asks.

"No, usually once a year we'll book a vacation like this one," I explain.

"That's nice that you still get to see each other that way," we all nod in agreement.

"So you guys all work together? Or you're high school friends or what?" Lucia asks.

I see eye contact being made between some of the guys, which makes me think it's probably more complicated.

"Some of us are still studying, but we're also in a band," Kris explains.

"Oh really? Any songs we could have heard of?" this is kind of an unserious question. I've never listened to Slovenian music, or at least I don't think so. But it's still nice to ask.

Jure chuckles. "I don't know if you watch Eurovision, but we competed for our country this year," 

I look him in the eye, not really believing it at first.

"Wait, seriously? That's so cool," I've honestly never watched it, but I know a lot of other people do. I'm not much of a music person myself.

"Oh wait! I knew I recognised you!" Lauren suddenly blurts out, pointing at Bojan.

"Joker Out, was it?" she asks, clearly having some sort of epiphany.

"Yeah, that's us," Bojan confirms.

"You should put on your music," Lucia suggests, grabbing the small speaker we brought from one of the bags.

Bojan, who we discover is the singer, connects his phone to the speaker and puts on their music.

It's actually pretty nice, I must admit. 

While taking about their Eurovision song, Carpe Diem, I look over at Jure who's sitting opposite of me. He smiles at me, his eyes twinkling in the light of the campfire. I smile back. He's clearly very proud of the band, which is nice. It's cool to be able to do something you like that much.

We discuss a bit about music and our own jobs, eventually I notice I've drunk almost an entire bottle of wine, on top of what we had earlier today. So I'm a little tipsy, to say the least.

Eventually Jure, gets up and starts to walk towards the edge of the cliff. Even seeing him do this makes my heart almost jump out of my chest.

That Summer - Jure MačekWhere stories live. Discover now