Truth or Dare

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"I'm so proud of you!" Lucia immediately greets me with a hug when I get back to the cliff. I feel like crashing into the sea sobered me up entirely. I grab a big beach towel and wrap it around my waist for some extra heat.

Lauren is sitting next to the campfire, talking to Nace. They seem to be having a good time together.

"Who's up for a game?" Bojan asks, and we all enthusiastically join the circle again.

"We could do truth or dare? We have some cards," Lauren gets the unopened pack from the bag.

"And then people need to take a shot if they don't want to answer or do their dare?" Jan asks.

"Uhh, that's one way to play it, if you want to get completely hammered," I answer. Jan grins.

"Yes, I do," 

We all laugh, and grab some tiny plastic cups and a bottle of vodka, which still kind of haunts me from previous nights.

"Okay, so each of the cards has one truth and one dare on it. Bojan, why don't you go first?" Lucia smirks at the obviously already drunk guy sitting next to her.

"Dare," he answers. Lucia immediately starts to giggle, so you know it's a bad one.

"Take a body shot from the person on your right," we all laugh when we see Bojan look over to Kris.

"So, I have to take a shot either way?" he asks her.

"Well.. yeah. But now you have the option to take one from the belly button of your lovely friend there," Lucia laughs.

Bojan and Kris look at each other with a disgusted expression.

"I don't want you licking my stomach," Kris says, the disgusted but funny expression never leaving his face.

Bojan then looks over to Lucia with raised eyebrows. 

"Hell the fuck no, I'm not nearly drunk enough for this," she immediately says.

"Wow, you are all such party poopers," Bojan shakes his head in disappointment while roughly pouring himself the shot and taking it down in one go.

I roll my eyes. I know for a fact that Lucia would not mind this man touching her, let alone licking her, but she's playing hard to get. Well, it's her loss in the end.

"Okay, let's continue the circle. Kris... truth or dare," Bojan asks while grabbing the card.

"Definitely truth,"

"What's the weirdest place you've hooked up with someone?" 

He thinks for a little while. 

"Probably a hospital,"

"That's kind of sinister," I frown. He shrugs. "I didn't say I was proud of it,"

He takes another card out of the deck. "Lauren, truth or dare," 

"Truth," me and Lucia both 'boo' her which makes her roll her eyes at us.

"What is your biggest turn off?" when Kris asks this, I swear I can see the expression in Nace's face change, and he's suddenly very interested in what she has to say. 

"Uhmmm," her cheeks start to blush. "I think when someone is disrespectful. That's my biggest turn off," 

She quickly grabs a card. 

"Nace, truth or dare?"


"Ahh come on!" Bojan puts up his hand in a 'why???' gesture.

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