A Night Together

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The night progresses, and I almost forgot how fun it is to see these guys drunk. They sure do know how to have some fun.

We're left in the cafe, which is closing in an hour, with another group of people. They come up to us while me, Jure and Jan are in a heated discussion on which Harry Potter characters we would be (I have no idea how this conversation even started). 

They ask Bojan, who has been sitting with his arm around Lucia for the last hour, something in Slovenian. He nods enthousiastically, and waves at Kris. He leaves the booth with Bojan and the group of other men.

"What did they just ask?" I ask Jure, who is laughing and let his head fall into his hands.

"They asked him if he wanted to do karaoke," he chuckles.

"Oh, this should be good," I grab my glass of wine, getting ready for the show.

It is an absolute shitshow. I mean, Bojans singing is pretty alright, it's his job after all. But he's had so much beer, and he's singing a duet with Kris. To 'Wannabe' from the Spice Girls, out of all songs. Now don't get me wrong, I've heard Kris sing and I really like it but...

Kris is drunk off his ass, alright, and he keeps messing up and forgetting the lyrics. Not to mention he sounds like a drowning cat (sorry man). 

It makes us all laugh like crazy though, and I film it secretly to watch it back later, or possibly bully them with it.

We cheer and give them a big round of applause as they finish, Kris almost falling off the stage when he bows over for us.

"What a show!" I say, when they come back.

"Thank you, thank you," Kris bows again. Everyone then agrees they don't want to be next, even after Kris and Bojan try to persuade some people by trying to drag them up to the stage. Lucia is starting to yawn a little bit. In fact, we're all tired I think. We have been here for hours after all, probably spent at least 200 euros all together. And then the first one to suggest it is Jan.

"Maybe it's time to go home," he says while looking at his phone, probably eyeing the time.

"I think that's a good plan," Jure grins at me. I almost forgot with all the things that happened tonight, but I can't wait to see his surprise for me.

"Yes, for sure a good plan," I say, very eager to leave with him now.

We say goodbye to each other outside, I hug the guys because I know I probably won't see them for a while.

Jure steps aside from the rest and is on a call on his phone for a little while, he keeps looking over to me which makes me pretty nervous. Who knows what will be waiting for us once we get back...

"I had such an amazing night, I'm so happy you managed to get here for this," I say as I hug Lucia goodbye.

"Me too, I wish we could do more spontaneous things like this," Lucia pouts.

"In the future we will," I reassure her. Me and Jure wave the rest goodbye before leaving ourselves.

When looking to the side, I see Lucia and Bojan walk into the same direction, which is probably not a coincidence. You know, I'm happy for her. As long as Bojan treats her like the incredible woman she is, and I will definitely be asking for details later on.

It's colder than I imagined, but even after some protesting on my side, Jure gives me his jacket and wraps his arms around me as we walk back to his apartment together.

We talk some more about Bojan and Kris's performance and how funny it was, before we arrive at his building after a short walk.

"After you," he opens up the door for me, and I walk slowly up the stairs.

When we arrive at his apartment, I can see a bit of light, lighting up the space underneath the door.

It looks like someone has been in there, since we didn't leave the lights on when we left.

The light moves a little and almost looks like candle light, and when Jure reveals the room by opening the door, it proves me right.

I let out a small gasp when I see his living room, completely different from when we left.

There's candles burning all over the place, illuminating the room with a beautiful orange glow. I can smell a smooth, silky lavender scent in the air and there's rose petals coating the floor. This is honestly everything I've ever dreamt of, getting treated like a princess by a man who really knows what he's doing. I've never expressed I wanted any of this, but I guess he knows me better than I imagined.

"Oh my god, Jure, I don't know what to say," I'm breathless still by the fact that someone would ever do this for me. I'm for sure not used to it.

"You don't have to say anything," Jure takes place in front of me, his face lighting up in the candlelight. Just lit enough to see his beautiful smile before he kisses me softly.

His hands take place on the small of my back and waist, and he pulls me closer to him. I can feel his warm breath on my skin when he pulls away to slowly place kisses down my neck. Before it all gets too passionate, he lets go and takes ahold of my hand, leaving me frustrated and aching for more. He walks me to the bedroom, I can see a big string of rose petals and whole roses leading up to it.

He opens up the door to reveal yet another decorated room. The sheets of his bed are red and silky, dimly lit fairy lights all over the ceiling, and a scented candle burning in the corner, which makes the whole room smell cozy and steamy.

"It's beautiful," I admit, still looking around the room to reveal more things. My favourite chocolate on the bedside table and a heart shaped piece of paper laying in the middle of the bed. I walk up to it, but Jure stops me.

"You can read that later, but for now, I have some other plans," he smirks at me and comes to close the door behind me, before starting what will undoubtedly be the most amazing night of my life.


Hi everyone 🌞

I didn't even realise it had been this long since I posted a chapter 😅 I'm sorry but the last week has been so busy and hectic and I am like a week behind with uni work 😵‍💫. But I'll get there.

For now I hope you enjoyed this chapter, just a few more left to this story <3.

Hope you all have a wonderful day x.

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