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The week after the whole Vic drama, my nerves increase by the day. 

I have to do quite some online classes for my master's studies for clinical psychology, so that prevents me from thinking too much about my trip to Ljubljana. 

This might be good for distraction, but not for my planning. Because halfway through the week on Thursday, I realise I haven't even found accommodation yet for the upcoming weekend.

Right as I'm about to message him, Jure calls me. We've been calling every day since he left, sometimes multiple times. I have no idea how I'm going to have to survive without him again, but that's a concern for next week I guess...

"Hey Jure,"

"Julia, how are you doing?" I can hear in his voice that he's smiling, which makes me grin too.

"I'm good, how are you?"

"Dying to see you again," 

I chuckle. "Same here. I was actually just thinking about you,"

"What a coincidence, I was thinking about you too," I roll my eyes and blush.

"Why were you thinking of me?" he asks, with a slightly suggestive tone in his voice.

"I was looking for accommodation for this weekend," I say, scrolling further along

"What? You can stay with me," he says, as if it's the most obvious thing ever.

I stop my scrolling for a second. "What do you mean?"

"You can stay at my apartment. No way I'll have you sleep in a hotel, I want to repay the favour you did to us,"

"Well, that favour was for a whole other reason. I don't want to bother you," I bite my nail. I don't want him to feel forced to have me over just because I did the same.

"No, there's no debate in this one, Julia. I would love for you to stay with me," I can hear the sincerity in his voice, so I agree.

"Alright, alright,"

"Great! I'll meet you on the square around the beginning of the afternoon? I'll text you the details later," he sounds excited, at least, even though I'm probably more nervous about this.

"Sounds good, I'll talk to you later," I hang up, and immediately feel the anxiety cruising through my veins. I really like Jure, and I'm definitely up for a sleepover, but just thinking about what might happen makes my head want to explode.

The weekend rolls around quickly, and I have given my parents minimal details about where I'm going, when my mom knocks on my door.

"Are you packing?" 

I'm sitting on the floor, surrounded by clothes, my suitcase laying on my lap.

"Hmmm, no, does it look like I'm packing?" I sarcastically chuckle.

My mom smiles and takes place on my bed. 

"So, are you ever going to tell me about this new guy?" I sigh. She's been asking me about my "guy" for the whole week now, ever since they got home last weekend and my mother swore she could smell cologne lingering in my room. Which was probably true, but it was most likely Bojan's scent since he hadn't been in the water.

Anyway, my mother is a bloodhound on all means, and she always knows when something is going on. So there might not be any getting out of this one.

"Maybe," I grin.

"Tell you what, if you give me some minimal information about him, I'm willing to drive you all the way to Ljubljana and pick you up again," she wiggles her eyebrows. I can't believe she would do all that for a bit of information about my love life.

"Okay, we have a deal," I shake her hand and we both laugh.

"His name is Jure. He's Slovenian. We met him and his friends in Split. He's in a band, he's their drummer. He's... really cute," my mom smiles.

"Musical guy, huh?" I nod. "Yup, and I'm going to see him perform. That's what I'm going to Ljubljana for,"

"That sounds great honey. I'm happy for you. And I know I shouldn't be the one to tell you to be careful..." I sigh a little.

"No, I know mom. The past won't repeat itself. I promise you,"

"I really do want to meet him though," she smiles.

"If everything goes well, maybe when you pick me up. Okay?" she nods in agreement, and pulls me in for a hug.

"I'll leave you to it," she frowns and points at the mess on my floor. 

"Thanks," I laugh.

Later that night, I call the girls, promising them I'll update them about everything. Lucia says she wishes she could be there too but she has to work in the weekends. She asks me to take a good picture of Bojan and send it to her. I kind of reluctantly agree to the weird request and hang up.

The butterflies are now really coming along, and I'm having a lot of trouble falling asleep. I keep staring at the ceiling, thinking about what to say and do tomorrow, what I've said and done before. Mulling over the whole Vic situation again...

I'm finally able to put it all to rest a little bit, and I fall asleep quickly after that. Nevertheless, I only get about 5 hours of sleep before being woken up by my alarm. My excitedness definitely overpowers my exhaustion though, so it's really no big deal. I wonder how I'll sleep the upcoming night in Jure's apartment though. I hope I'll be able to even fall asleep knowing I'm so close to him.

I have a quick breakfast and focus mainly on getting ready, doing my makeup and picking out an outfit.

Then it's finally time to say goodbye to my hometown for the weekend, and get into the car with my mom. I decide to quickly text the girls, and then stare out of the window for the rest of our two hour trip to Ljubljana...


Hey everyone 🌞!

I hope you are all doing well! I apologise for not posting many updates, but my exams are finally over. And I just got a tattoo done, so my underarm was sore which prevented me from typing too much 😅 but I'm back with another chapter.

Hope you're still enjoying this story as much as I am, just a few more chapters to go and I'll probably start posting my new story around the beginning of December.


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