The Ex

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We're eating pizza at this random restaurant we found. Jure and I are sitting next to each other, waiting for the dessert. He has his hand on my thigh while discussing pizza toppings with Kris and Bojan, since Kris got pineapple on it and this is "not okay" according to Bojan. 

Everyone is laughing and talking and I realise how happy and comfortable I feel around Jure. I didn't even know it was possible for me to feel like this around someone apart from Lucia, Lauren and my family. After Vic, I thought I would never be able to feel this way about a guy again. But it has given me a lot of hope now that I feel this way.

It's clear that the guys know about us too, since they keep making jokes about it. Not bad jokes, although Jan has been pretty quiet throughout the whole conversation. I've only met them a couple times of course, but he seems not like himself today.

Our desserts arrive, I chose an ice cream sundae.

We're halfway through it when Jure bends over to me and says: "I'm so happy you decided to come along today," I smile and put my arm around him to hug him from the side.

"Me too," I agree.

We finish our food and it's starting to get a little dark outside. Since they need to make somewhat of a detour taking me home before going to Ljubljana themselves, we decide it would be best to leave now. It has been a pretty long day after all.

Also knowing I already have set a next date where I will be seeing Jure comforts me greatly. He sits in the back of the car with me this time, I keep my tote bag on my lap with me while the other two guys load in the trunk.

A little while later, we're back on the road.

"Are you sure that you'll come to see us next week? I would love for you to be there," Jure asks. Bojan and Jan make fake throwing up noises in the front. 

"Oh shut up, you're just angry you don't have someone you like," he slaps Jan on the back of his head.

"Yes, I'm sure I'll come," I chuckle.

"Good, I can't wait," he smiles. I suddenly notice how tired I am, and lay my head on his shoulder to nap for a little bit. Sleeping for 10 minutes can't hurt, and I'm just so comfy... 

My thoughts slowly slip away as I'm falling asleep.

I wake up from someone lightly shaking me.

"What? Is something wrong?" I groan, while carefully sitting up.

"We're at your house," Jure answers softly.

"Oh," I say, a bit disappointed. How did I sleep through the entire car ride?

Bojan pulls up onto our driveway.

"Is that your brother?" Bojan asks.

"What? I don't have a brother," I answer, a bit confused. Maybe I'm still dreaming and he didn't really say that.

"Your friend then? There's a guy standing outside," the car comes to a stop and that's when I see the guy he's talking about, standing in the headlights of the car.

It's Vic. And he looks awful.

"Shit," I mumble, as I get out of the car.

I can smell the alcohol and nicotine scent from a mile away, maybe even some weed too. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask, as I gesture the guys to stay in the car. Of course, they don't and I see Jure's door open. He probably understands there's something wrong. 

That Summer - Jure MačekWhere stories live. Discover now