The First Concert

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My heart starts racing the moment we enter Ljubljana. For some reason, I wasn't really all that nervous before. My nerves started to calm down during the drive here. But now they're definitely back. This isn't really because of the concert itself, I don't mind large crowds and I know Jure and his friends are great and welcoming.

I think what I'm still most nervous about is tonight..

But that is hours away, I remind myself. I must enjoy the day first before worrying too much about what comes after. 

Jure texted me a couple minutes ago to first come round his apartment to drop off my stuff, then we would go to the square itself together and meet the rest there before they will perform.

So, my mom does just that. She pulls into a busy street with high buildings, and stops somewhere on the side.

"Have fun sweetheart, I'll see you tomorrow," she gives me a quick hug from the side.

"Thanks, have a safe trip back," I say goodbye as I grab my little suitcase from the trunk.

I walk up to the right building, struggling a little to haul my suitcase through the narrow door. Then I notice there's no elevator, just perfect.

I make my way up to the second floor, which is thankfully only two flights of stairs.

I immediately stumble upon his apartment number, and after breathing thoroughly, I knock on the door a few times.

He opens up almost right away, that all too familiar happy glow coating his face.

"Julia, hey," he smiles broadly and pulls me in for a hug.

"Hey, it's good to see you again," I pull my suitcase in with me and take in the apartment, which is bigger than it looks like on the outside. Fancier than I imagined almost.

"This place is really nice," I state, still looking around. I love peaking around other people's property. I know it might sound stalkish and weird, but I honestly wanted to be a realtor when I were little. So I think that's where my interest came from.

"Thank you, can I get you something to drink before we leave?" 

"Just some water, thanks," I sit myself down on the couch with my suitcase next to me, and watch the tv that's on. I see it's the live recording of the performance on the square, which means Joker Out will also be on tv. That must be really cool for them.

"What's up with the suitcase by the way? You know, you're more than welcome to stay more than one night, but..." Jure chuckles. I can feel my cheeks go red.

"I have a lot of stuff alright?" I defend myself. Jure throws his hands up in the air. "Alright, alright. Never said it was a bad thing," I laugh.

"Are you excited for the performance?" he asks. I nod. "Of course, I've been waiting to see you live now for a while. I bet you make a good drummer," I wiggle my eyebrows.

"I do, and I can't wait to show you," he pulls me up close from the couch by my hand, until our faces are mere centimetres apart.

"I'm so happy to be here," I smile, and I can feel my breath speed up.

"I'm happy to have you here," his hands rest on my waist, from where he pulls me in for a soft kiss. I miss his lips every day I'm not with him, and I've waited all week for this moment.

I let my hands rest on his shoulders and pull him in a little closer, suggesting to go further. I let my hands travel through his messy blonde locks and feel the air around us heat up.

He pulls away slightly, almost making me lightly groan from frustration.

"We should really get over there, I don't want to be the late one. I'll leave that to Jan," he chuckles.

"I know, I know," I throw my head back.

"But..." he begins to pull me in again, and I'm met with his beautiful, dazzling eyes.

"I might have some surprises for you for when we get back tonight," my eyes widen.

He kisses me quickly and then walks towards the door, leaving me a bit stunned. Like he didn't say something crazily suggestive just a few seconds ago, he asks me: "are you coming?" 

"Uhhh-yes," I grab my handbag and walk out the door, which Jure is holding open for me.

The walk to the square is not too long, in general I don't think Ljubljana is a very big city. I've only been here twice, even though it is pretty close to where I live. But because it's in a different country, I always overestimate the distance. 

Which is why I'm starting to get more positive thoughts about me and Jure. I strongly believe that if we want to make this work, we could.

There's a massive crowd, standing all around the stage that's placed in the middle. For a second I've no idea how we'll ever spot the rest of the band in this huge group of people, but Jure finds them within seconds.

Kris and Nace, the tall ones of course, are standing in the middle of the group, reaching out their arms so we can see them properly.

We make our way through the crowd, and once we're there I'm welcomed with a lot of warm and squished hugs, since we're all standing so close to each other. 

"How are you?" Bojan screams at me over the music.

"I'm great, how are you? Excited for the performance?" 

"We can't wait!" Kris answers for him, obviously very excited. I think I recognise his family standing nearby us. I believe I saw somewhere that his dad is also in the music business. He must be really proud of his son, taking over big stages like this.

"We should probably head over there, but we'll see you right after," Jure kisses me on the forehead before leaving with the rest of the band and some of the crew members. Some others are left behind to watch, so at least I'm not all by myself here.

I'm informed that they're going to play four songs; carpe diem, umazane misli, novi val and an unreleased song. I like their music, so I'm even a little bit tense to hear their new hit. 

They all come on stage, waving and looking as good as ever. I see Jure take place behind the drums in the background, and I immediately know I won't be able to take my eyes off him. I've never thought about it like this, but I think guys who drum definitely turn me on more than guys who play guitar, just saying.

They count down, and start playing their first song of the day.

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