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The EHBO-kit the girls presumably used on me last night is still standing wide open on the sink, so I decide to clean and patch myself up. 

I get under a scorching hot shower, it hurts my wounds but I'll be fine. And then, without any warning, I start to cry.

I don't know what happened last night, but I do know this is my own dumb fault. Literally, how am I supposed to be a psychologists later, when I can't even take care of myself?

Tears stream down my face as loud sobs escape my mouth. I turn the shower off and start to dry myself, when I hear the door to the room opening up.

"Lucia? Lauren?" I try again.

"Julia, you're awake!" I hear a loud thud and see that they've opened up the door to the bathroom. The two girls are standing in the door opening to the shower, grocery bags still in hand, staring at me. They look super concerned.

"Well, you look.... better?" Lucia eyes me up and down. I quickly put on a new pair of underwear, since I'm still completely naked and frankly, a little uncomfortable.

"Yeah, thanks," I mumble.

"Do you remember anything? You were pretty out of it last night," Lauren asks.

I walk out of the shower to find myself some fresh clothes.

"I don't remember anything after the guy took me outside," I sit down on the bed, and when I see the girls' concerned expressions, I can feel my eyes well up again.

"Oh, honey," Lucia sits next to me on the bed to hug me and rubs my back. Lauren opens up my suitcase and hands me a comfy pair of shorts and an oversized shirt, before going to the bathroom to grab the EHBO kit.

"Thank you," my voice shakes.

"I'm so sorry for doing this to you guys. You should be having fun, not taking care of me," I chuckle trough my tears.

"Don't say that Julia. Never say that. You know we're here for you," Lauren says while patching me up. This makes me sob even harder.

"Can you just please tell me what happened?"

"Of course," I try to prepare for what's coming.

"We all drank the drinks the guys bought for us, but it was way too much for you. You were so drunk, it was starting to get dangerous. You could barely walk. And that's when we saw that guy take you outside," Lauren looks at me with an unsure expression.


"We followed you and saw that you were really uncomfortable, he was trying to get under your dress, so we took you away from him. We were pretty intoxicated too so even with our support you started tripping over your own feet and falling down. You kept saying how you missed Jure, how you regretted things. It was... pretty hard to follow," she lets out a soft chuckle, to lighten the mood.

"When we were almost back to the hotel, you fell down onto the pavement pretty hard so that's what you got most of the wounds from. Sorry we couldn't really stop you..."

"No, don't apologise. Thanks for telling me this, at least now I know no one did this to me but myself," I sigh, pretty relieved.

"Oh, and you may or may not have sent something to Jure last night on Insta. We tried to stop you but you threatened to literally run away to their hotel," Lucia says, with a guilty look on her face.

"Oh my god," I groan and fall back onto the bed.

"We know you might want to sleep the rest of the day, and drown in your sorrows, but we thought that instead it might be nice to actually go somewhere. No boys, no clubs, only culture," Lauren smiles.

"Sure, thank you," I hug both girls.

We eat some breakfast, which once again, consists out of chips and a little fruit this time, while my phone charges. I'm so nervous to see what I sent to Jure, you don't even want to know...

As soon as I see my phone light up in the corner of my room, I run over there to put in my passcode.

Oh God, here goes...

I open up Instagram and see that I've posted a story.

I don't recall posting it, but it could be a lot worse though

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I don't recall posting it, but it could be a lot worse though. My eye then travels to the "1" hovering over the DM symbol. I take a deep breath and decide to just go look.

@julianahoffmann: I mnsiss yioiu

@julianahoffmann: im Sortry

@julianahoffmann: your e nott evne awke but I need yiou too now that I rewasal Luke u

I'm already so embarrassed just from reading these messages. I should be happy I was so drunk I wasn't even able to type because now at least I have some hope he can't even have deciphered these messages.

Jure replied this morning, around 11.

@juremacek: are you okay???

@juremacek replied to your story: looks like you girls had a good time :)

Thank God he didn't react to the messages themselves. Thank you Jure, for not embarrassing me for life.

I sigh.

"It's not that bad. He didn't even notice what I wrote," I chuckle in relief.

"Let me see," the girls join me and I show them the messages.

"What language is that even?" Lucia laughs.

"I think it says I miss him and I really like him. But I'm very thankful I wrote it like that..."

"Yeah, looks like he didn't even notice. Aww he's such a sweetie," Lauren pouts while pointing out the last message he sent.

"You have to reply though. You know, keep the conversation going," Lucia suggests.

I quickly reply with: 

@julianahoffmann: yeah we did :)! Sorry for the weird messages hahah. Safe travels today!

And then I put the phone down and turn off my notifications.

"Alright, no more boy talk or talk about last night. Let's go do something fun," I jump up from the bed, and the girls nod enthusiastically.

"Yeah! Let's go!" 

We walk towards the elevator while the girls tell me their plan.

"So, we found something on the internet called Diocletian's palace, we thought it would be pretty fun. You know, since we have barely done anything here except for going to the beach," Lauren chuckles.

"Sounds good. I'm down for anything right now to be honest. As long as it's hot and we can go for ice cream, I'm good," I smile. Bless these girls for being able to distract me so quickly.

But that all changes when we step out of the revolving doors from the hotel.

That Summer - Jure MačekWhere stories live. Discover now