The Text

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My heart races and my hands start to sweat.

"Can you at least look at my while we're talking?"

"Can you just shut up for a second," I shoot Vic an angry look.

"Whatever, Jules. Jesus Christ," he mumbles, and pinches the bridge of his nose. Clearly he's annoyed, but that's nothing new. And I hate it when he calls me Jules.

I roll my eyes and open up the app.

@juremacek: Hey Julia! Me, Bojan and some other friends are going on a trip to Rijeka this weekend. It made me think of you since you told us you live close to it. So I was just wondering how you were and if maybe you would like to join us?

Holy shit holy shit holy shit, is all I can think for a couple seconds.

Jure actually thought about me. Even if it is just because of Rijeka, it still makes me happy to know that. And I have to agree, of course. After that weekend I have another week left before going to study for my master's. If I want another chance to see Jure, this is going to be it.

I don't care about any of those text rules, I just feel the urge to talk to him straight away. So I immediately start typing.

@julianahoffmann: hey! I'm doing good, how are you? I would love to come along this weekend, what exactly are your plans?

My heart is beating in my throat when I see the "typing..." symbol at the top of the screen. I shouldn't get this excited about a damn text, I'm nearly 25 years old. But somehow these kinds of feelings just never go away...

@juremacek: I'm good too. We'll probably go to the beach and maybe a bit of sightseeing :) I'm happy you're coming!

@juremacek: we could even pick you up when we're driving there? If that's alright?

@julianahoffmann: that's perfect, actually. Thanks!

@juremacek: of course. I'll send you the details once I've talked to Bojan and the rest.

@juremacek: can't wait to see you again :).

@julianahoffmann: sounds good! I'm excited to see you too :).

"Hello? Are you okay?" a customer drags me out of my trance.

"Uhh, yeah! Why?"

"I've asked you three times where the bathroom is,"

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's right there," I point to the corner at the end of the room.

"Yeah, thanks," the woman frowns.

My face has completely gone red from this awkward interaction and my conversation with Jure. And I don't seem to be the first to notice.

"Who were you talking to?" Vic asks, suddenly seeming very interested.

"Just a friend," a friend who I'm most excited to see...

"A guy friend?"

"It's literally none of your business, Vic. Don't make me kick you out again," 

"Fine, fine," he throws his hands up in the air.

"Let's just talk. Like friends,"

I don't want to talk to him, but I have no excuse not too. He's sitting right in front of me, I'm tending to this bar by myself and there's barely any customers tonight. There never are in the last week of summer break.

That Summer - Jure MačekWhere stories live. Discover now