The Last Night

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"Hey!" we greet the guys, who are standing outside of their hotel waiting for us. We ended up being almost 10 minutes late, but we're here now.

In all honesty, I sort of expected them to not be here. I expected them to have forgotten about us, especially since everyone was still so drunk when we promised to meet up. Or maybe they would wake up today and realise they don't feel like seeing us again.

So, even seeing them stand outside their hotel and smile at us makes my day 100x better. 

"How are you all?" Bojan asks, taking place next to Lucia.

"We're fine. Well rested," she chuckles. Right, like she knows anything about being well rested. She sleeps like 4 hours a night.

"Good to hear that," okay, well, it's pretty evident that Bojan is still trying to get her. Who knew he would be so persistent?

I'm a little nervous to make eye contact with Jure, but he comes up to me.

"Hey, how are you doing?" he asks. God, I feel like I already forgot how charming he is. Maybe we should have had some alcohol before this.

"I'm good, how are you?" I smile.

"Good, good. I would be better if Kris didn't kick me in his sleep all morning long," he rolls his eyes.

"I already told you I was sorry!" Kris exclaims, clearly eavesdropping. I laugh.

"Do you guys have any idea of where you would like to go?" Lauren asks, standing next to Nace. Good to see that everything is back to the way it was last night.

"We were planning on maybe checking out this beer garden a little out of the centre," Jan says.

"What's a beer garden?" Lauren asks.

"You'll see," he replies. Well, looks like we're not getting any input. But it's fine anyway, as long as there's alcohol and as long as I'm with Jure, I'm good with anything.

We walk through the city centre, where booming music is heard all through the broad street. It's only 8PM, but the parties are already starting, and the people are already getting wasted.

Eventually, we take a right turn into a very dark little street, no one is there but us. The eery feeling of possibly getting murdered comes back up, and me, Lucia and Lauren make eye contact. 

Jure notices immediately. "Wow, do you really think we would bring you in danger?" he laughs.

"I don't know, you tell me," Lucia crosses her arms.

"Look over there," Bojan points to the end of the street, where light is illuminating. When we get there and enter, we find out it is some sort of outdoor space with picnic benches and a bar. It actually looks really cozy, with fluffy pillows and fairly lights. It's surprising to see so many tough looking men here.

"This is so cute!" Lucia exclaims. She grabs Bojan's hand, who's looking very surprised right now, and drags him to one of the areas in the corner. She gestures for us to follow her.

"Why don't me and Kris get the first round, and then you can claim our seats," Jan says.

"Sure," me, Jure, Lauren and Nace follow our friends.

I sit down next to Jure on one of the fluffy pillows, while he pulls out his phone.

"Hey, before I forget to ask this, what is your Instagram?"

This is step one to keeping in contact, is the first thing I think. But then again, he's probably just doing it to be friendly.

He gives me his phone while I type in my user.

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