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I'm sitting nervously on the couch, when I hear the doorbell ring. I open up to find the three guys standing there, they all look a bit distraught, but better since earlier that evening. They've had time to let everything sink in, of course.

"Hey, come in," I try not to smile too much when I see Jure, because even though I'm insanely happy that he came back, this might not be the best situation to get really cheerful. They are all very tired probably and I need time to get on their good side again.

"Thanks, for letting us stay here," Bojan says.

"It's the least I could do," I say again.

It's quiet for a while, we walk upstairs to get them situated.

"I'm not sure where you want to sleep, but we've got plenty of options," 

"It doesn't really matter for me, as long as I can sleep somewhere," Jure chuckles, while the rest of them agree.

"You three could sleep in my room? I have a pull-out couch and a double bed,"

"Where will you sleep?" Bojan asks.

"My parents' room," 

Jan still hasn't said anything, which indicates to me that he's still pissed at me. I can't blame him.

"Alright, sounds good," 

I help them set up and give them a couple toothbrushes before saying goodnight and getting into my parent's bed. I've always been jealous of my parent's bedroom, so I won't mind sleeping here tonight.

I tuck myself into the comfy sheets and fall asleep within minutes.

My eyes slowly open up, I look at the clock which reads 4:38AM. I haven't waken up from nothing, no, I can hear sounds come from downstairs. Before I can really stop myself, I put on my socks and walk down the stairs. 

When getting closer, I can hear the sounds are coming from the kitchen.

I arrive at the door opening and see Jan filling up a glass of water in the dark kitchen.

"Hey," my voice is just above a whisper, but enough to startle Jan, who clearly hadn't heard me coming. He turns around quickly.

"Oh, hey," I walk up to the cabinet with the glasses in it, to also get some water myself.

"Sorry if I woke you up," he mumbles.

"That's alright. I never sleep through the night," unsure why I even said that, I bring my now full glass to my lips to take a sip. Nobody says anything for a while, we just stare into the darkness, sipping our water.

But then I do feel the sudden urge to ask him the question that's been burning in the back of my mind for a while.

"Why do you hate me?" 

He almost chokes on his water hearing this, and frowns at me.

"I don't hate you," but I can hear him sigh quietly.

"Well, let me rephrase then. Why do you have a problem with me? I'm sorry I got Jure hurt, but even you could admit it wasn't entirely my fault," he shakes his head.

"I'm not sure. I just had some sort of feeling about you and then that guy punched him tonight. He wouldn't like me telling you this, but Jure hasn't really been too lucky when it comes to relationships. I think we're just a little scared of seeing him hurt, again," he looks down to his glass of water. I slowly nod, as I'm beginning to understand. 

That Summer - Jure MačekWhere stories live. Discover now