The Hotel

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"Yeah, maybe we should get some sleep," Nace replies.

"Some sleep? You won't see my face again until at least 2PM," Jan replies with a yawn.

We all chuckle.

"Yeah, maybe we should head back too," Lauren says, having awoken from her deep sleep about 5 minutes ago. We all do look pretty dead.

I feel like I should ask them to hang out again, but I don't want to push my luck... maybe this was just a one time thing. But I do really like Jure, and I would love to see him again.

"How long were you guys in Split again?" I ask, drawing some images into the sand.

"We're leaving tomorrow night," Bojan states.

"We should hang out again tonight. If everyone's up for it?" Jure asks. I look up at him and smile.

"That would be fun," I answer.

"We should go out to a club or something," Lucia suggests.

"Sounds good," Bojan tries to answer casually, but he sounds a little desperate. Probably eager to see Lucia again to try for a second chance.

"Where should we meet you?" Lauren asks.

"We're staying at the Central Square Heritage Hotel, maybe we can meet outside?"

"No way, we're right down the street!" I exclaim.

"Then we can at least all walk back together," Jure smiles.

He picks up my hand again, to lead me across the now even slippier rocks, but we make it back safely. That's when the walk of shame starts, we all look like shit, I must admit. And we're walking in-between fancy-looking people, obviously on their way to work already.

We're definitely not the only raggedy looking ones though, people emerge from the Old Town screaming loudly, obviously still drunk.

The walk to our hotel is not short, but everyone is way too tired to even talk at this point. We run into their place first.

"Okay, so we'll meet here tonight at 8PM or so?" Bojan suggests. We all nod in agreement.

"Sleep well guys," I chuckle and we wave at them as we make our way down the street to our own hotel.

Once we've arrived, we basically fall face down into our beds and get to sleep immediately.

I groan and squint with my eyes, noticing we haven't even closed the curtains. Nevertheless, I look on my phone to see it's already 3PM. I slept a good nine hours, but my sleep schedule is royally fucked up now.

I try to rub my hangover out of my eyes, which doesn't work of course, and am met with an astonishing headache.

"Goodafternoon princess," Lucia says, she's already showered and doing her makeup with a small mirror on our bed.

Lauren is still asleep on the bed next to me, drooling all over her pillow. She put in her earplugs so she's not waking up from the sound of our voices.

"Hey," my voice is almost completely gone, it sounds funny but it's not like I can actually laugh about it.

"I already went out to get us some food too," she points to the dresser, where I can see two big grocery bags, with chips, croissants and smoothies. Perfect girl breakfast.

"I can't believe how much energy you have every day," I say, stunned.

I walk over and grab a fresh bag of salted potato chips.

That Summer - Jure MačekWhere stories live. Discover now