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(NOTE: Please do not be discouraged by the prologue. I don't recommend skipping this, but you can if you want. This is just the background info on the characters and where they're from. The real storytelling happens ten years after the time of the prologue and their arrival!)


The town of Charlottetown was very small. You perhaps may not even want to call it a town; it was more of a small settlement than anything. Six families resided there; none had any relation or any previous connection to each other. It was a mere coincidence they all decided to settle in the same general area, and a random idea sprouted from the mind of a rich resident that they decided to become a town.

            The richest residents, the ones who came up with the brilliant plan to become an official settlement, were the Prescott’s. They had the largest house and the man of the family, Leo Prescott, decided to call himself ‘Mayor’. Because of this special privilege of being Mayor, Leo Prescott decided he had the authority to name the town too, and so Charlottetown was born. Charlotte was the name his younger daughter and was the older sibling to Clark, who was two years younger than her. She had been seven at the time of the move. Her mother, Adeline, was not pleased with the move, especially since she was the type to enjoy the comforts of a modern city.

            The next family to come to Charlottetown were the Woodson’s. They came only days after the Prescott’s. Bruce Woodson was a large, burly man of 42, only a few years younger than Leo Prescott. Along with Bruce came his young bride, Lisette. And she was indeed young. She was 12, six years younger than Adeline Prescott. Lisette did not marry Bruce by choice, but by force. Needless to say, she was not in love with Bruce; she despised him. So she became immediate friends with Adeline, who did not share her views on older husbands, but sympathized with her because Bruce was a very forceful and cruel person. Bruce became fast friends with Leo, who made Bruce the sheriff of Charlottetown.

            After them came the Tanner’s. They were a family of merchants, and James Tanner was looking for a place to set a general store. They came upon Charlottetown, which was situated on a rich plot of land and was destined for growth. They had no children at the time, but in a few years the spoiled brat Lucinda would be born. Naturally, a girl would take after her mother, and since Genevieve Tanner was a spoiled, nasty woman, her daughter would turn into the bow-stealing, gossiping brat her mother was.

            The Harvey’s came after that. Griffin was a handsome, kind young man, and the youngest adult man in Charlottetown. He 25 at the time of the move, but the Harvey’s were oddities in the town. His wife was seven years older than him. Myrtle Harvey was a thick-boned, larger woman for a 32-year-old. It was rumored Griffin was married to a woman like Myrtle to cure a wild streak of his. But it would be nine years before child would bless their family, as Griffin was not very open to commitment. In the meantime, though, Griffin would set up a blacksmith shop, thus curing his wildness that had cursed his childhood and teens.

            Soon, though, they realized that Charlottetown was missing a very important group of people. Farmers. They were lucky, though, because a few months after the Harvey’s moved in the Benedict’s moved to Charlottetown. They needed to find a new place to live after a flood destroyed their home in a nearby village. The Benedict’s were a typical farming family, though, so along with Bob and Meredith Benedict came five children. There was the handsome Willis, who was 13 at the time. Willis was born when Meredith was 16, making her 29 and her husband 31. After Willis came Stewart, who was 9. Evelyn and Arthur came two years after that, Evelyn just a year older than Arthur. To round off the large family, Georgia was born soon after they arrived.

            Another family of farmers came soon after that. Albert and Cordelia Chester, who were 36 and 25, respectively, came with their six children. Martin was 9, Felicity was 5, Helen was 4, Silas was 3, Sylvia was 2, and Clara was just born. Two more children would grace their family in later years.

            Things were great in Charlottetown for 10 full years. Neighbors got along, held parties, bought things at the general store, hung out in the Square, and watched their children grow. But everyone knows that drama is a part of human nature, and as soon as people got bored, the problems began.


So this is a new story I'm writing for my English class. Please feel free to comment about grammer or my style of writing.

(This chapter was supposed to sound kind of professional and detatched. All it was for was to give you some insight on the characters before I skipped ten years and started with the actual storytelling.)


Charlottetown (Probably on hold forever. Or whenever I decide to update.)Where stories live. Discover now