Chapter Eleven: Lisette and Bizet

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Chapter Eleven: Lisette and Bizet

                Lisette had started walking again. Her relationship with Griffin was going too far too fast, and Lisette still wasn’t sure if she loved him, even if he did profess his love for her. Now that they were living in the same house, Lisette was becoming increasingly guilty about their affair, even if the affair only consisted of talking and some stolen kisses courtesy of Griffin.

                She felt trapped between the two and her emotions. She was cheating on her husband with a married man with a baby, and she still was unsure of her feelings for him.

                Yes, things were awkward and tense in the Harvey’s home. Griffin constantly shot death glares at Bruce and Myrtle was trying to get Griffin’s attention and Bruce was yelling at Myrtle because she couldn’t get the baby to quiet down and Lisette was trying to avoid the house all together.

                Which brings us back to Lisette. She made her way to the creek, lifting up her skirt and wading through the marshy areas. She was about to sit down on a rock near the water when she realized she wasn’t alone.

                “Why, hello Lisette. Why don’t you just come sit by me?” Bizet said, patting the place next to him. Lisette hesitated, but then sat anyway.

                Bizet smiled as she sat. He reached over and brushed her hair back, exposing a bruise on her neck. She instinctively flinched away, her hair falling back over her collarbone to cover up her injury. Bizet shook his head sadly.

                “He did that, didn’t he?” Bizet asked. Lisette stifled a gasp, shocked that someone who knew so little about her could tell that about her.

                “I don’t know what you mean.” Lisette said, averting her gaze away from his probing eyes.

                “Yes you do, Lisette. Bruce did that to you. Was it because of your ‘friend’ Griffin? Did you two slip up and let Bruce see you?” He said, a bit harshly.

                Lisette could have fallen off that rock when he said that. How could he know that? “How…. How do you know about that? And for your information, I never did anything with Griffin, because-”

                “You don’t really love him, right? You’ve always been hesitant about men getting close to you. That probably stems from your father, right? He was a big, burly man like Bruce and Griffin, he abused you too, I’m guessing. You really should stay away from men like that, Lisette. They always end up hurting you.” He said, moving closer to her.

                Lisette’s eyes teared up as she he listed off facts from her past and present. “Who told you that?” She whimpered. His eyes widen when he realized that he had went too far.

                “Oh, God, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” He broke off when Lisette started sobbing. No one could know about that. Her mother hadn’t even known about the beatings. Her mother had just assumed that Lisette was a clumsy child.

                “Who told you that?” Lisette sobbed. Crying again. Lisette was incredibly upset with herself. This was the second time she had cried in a few months.

                “Look, Lisette, no one told me, I just… knew I guess.” He started. Bizet was uncomfortable explaining his talents. Not even his sister knew about it; she just assumed that he was a snoop.

                “How?” She asked, looking up at him, puzzled. How could he just know that?

                “I have, a, um, gift, I guess you could call it. I can tell these kinds of things about people. I’ve been able to do it since I was a little boy running around the streets of Rome asking men in front of their wives if they were going to marry that pretty lady he always brings to the flat next door.” Bizet said, smiling sheepishly as Lisette laughed.

                “You seriously went around asking people that? Wait, so know when someone’s in love? How can you tell?” She asked curiously. Bizet let out a soft sigh of relief that she wasn’t crying anymore. He had always been bad with crying girls.

                “I don’t know, it’s just a feeling, I suppose. Like, for instance, I can tell you’re not in love with Bruce or Griffin, Bruce and Griffin are in love you, that big wife of Griffin’s is in love with Griffin, that Charlotte girl is in love with the farmer boy she’s always with, and the farmer is in love with her, and so on.” He said. Lisette’s eyes widened in astonishment.

                “Really? Can you tell me who I’m in love with?” She asked, almost flirtatiously. Bizet smiled, and leaned in close to Lisette.

                “You tell me.”


Aww how about that! You guys like Bizet and Lisette or Lisette and Griffin? Hmm... I don't know yet who she's going to end up with....

Check out the new cover, too, while your voting and commenting!!

Ps: Who should play Bizet? I need someone Italian and HOT, which is seemingly harder to find than I thought...


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