Return to School

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Brad's memorial assembly was held at the school gym. Some students had bored looks on their faces while half of them, along with Ricky, were tearful and had mournful expressions. It annoyed Leilani that they tried to make Brad seem like he was an amazing person despite the things he did.

"What happened last weekend was a tragedy", the principals went on. "But despite that, some of us might want to remember Brad as someone who was dedicated to this school, his and his friends". She rolled her eyes. How can "good" and "dedicated" person humiliate someone in front of the entire school and punch another student in the face? She wasn't going to let herself fall for it. She knew Stanley, who sat next to her, wasn't either. "If anyone needs to speak to someone, Ms. Cappriotti will be allowing walk-in appointments", said the principal.

After the assembly ended, Leilani went to use the bathroom. Once she came out of the stall, she saw Dina washing her hands and turning to face her. They greet each other and stood in silence in front of the sinks.

"Did you see Syd at all after the dance?", Dina asked her.

"No. I don't know where she went", Leilani replied.

"I just don't know what to feel right now", Dina said.  "I hate him for what he did, but at the same time, he used to be my boyfriend".

"Trust me, you have every right to be having those feelings", Leilani assured her.

"Yeah, well, on top of that, everyone here keeps staring and whispering things about me, like they know me as the skank that cheated on her ex boyfriend at a party".

"Screw those assholes. They don't even know the whole story"

"That's true", Dina turned to face the Hernandez girl. "I feel like you and Stanley are the only people I can talk to".

Dina's words left a pit in Leilani's stomach. She wanted to be someone that she could trust, but keeping Syd's powers a secret was the most important thing on her mind. Dina pulled Leilani in for a hug and she embraced her.

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