Chapter 39

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Sofia's POV

We were brought into a crib where they already had Fezco, Ashtray and Custard all being held hostage. You CANNOT be serious...

My heart began racing, watching as Faye was tossed aside and Rue was thrown against the wall along with me.

"Easy" Fez warned, noticing how roughly I was being handled. I know he regrets bringing me with him this time.

I was greeted with an angry bald man, ew. "Fuck is you doing here?" he asked Fez, eyeing him down. "Mitch, don't fuckin' hesitate." he added, looking over at some ugly greaseball with long blonde hair. The bald man grabs Custard by the face and pushes him against the wall.

"You come to my motherfuckin' house with a fuckin' 12 year old, 2 junkie whores, a prostitute, and a motherfucker I don't know!?" he questions Custard as he groans in pain from the face injury Ash had already given him. Broke his nose real good, lol...


"You out of your fuckin' mind?" the bald man asks, letting go of Custard's face. Custard held his nose and looked down, quietly shouting out "FUCK!" as the blood began leaking again.

"I'm on fuckin probation..." he added. "Me too!" the ugly blonde one chimed in. The bald man began walking around in a line, then circles, looking us up & down each time he passed.

"We are NOT involved with any illegal activity. We don't associate with ANYBODY involved in illegal activity" he began speaking. He must think that 1 of us is fed or something cause this dude is out of his mind.

All of us were silent, waiting for his next words. I looked over at Fez who was already staring dead at me, guilt in his eyes. Apart of me wishes I never came with him, and he knows it.

"And Laurie over there? Laurie doesn't deserve this shit..." he pointed over to an older woman sitting in a chair, seemingly quiet and very much to herself.

She carried an underlying suspicious vibe. Something is definitely off about this woman. "Brucee" she says ominously, letting us hear her voice for the first time.

The bald man walks over to her, I watched them closely as she motioned for him to come closer. He leaned over and let her whisper something unknown into his ear, making me a bit nervous.

All of us looked around at each other, anticipating his next move. He made his way back into the kitchen without another word, reaching over to the old fashion radio sitting on top of the microwave. Music began playing, loud enough to drown out any type of important sound.

Rue's eyes got wide with confusion; Faye looked around nervously. I kept my eyes on the floor, trying to understand what was happening... Or what was about to happen.

"Alright, check this out. All of y'all get naked right fuckin' now. Come on man let's go" he said, giving me goosebumps on my skin. I had a feeling that's where this was going.

My heart was beating fast, unsure of how to react. Is Fez okay with this? Do we even have a choice right now? Um...

"Get naked right fuckin' now, you heard what the fuck he said!" the ugly blonde man chimed in. "Come on man, Everyone get undressed. Let's go!"

Ash was the first to reach down to take his shirt off. "Except for you, keep your shit on man" the bald man pointed at him. "Nobody wanna see you naked. PJ take his ass down and put him in the fuckin' closet" he directed a 3rd man who was also on stand-by.

Ashtray was grabbed by the shirt, quickly pulled away. "Yo, yo, come on now y'all chill" Fez spoke up, trying to reach out for Ash but immediately getting dismissed. "Nobody got no fuckin' wire" he added.

"Prove that shit, I don't know who the FUCK you are! For real!" Baldy got all up in his face. Yuck, his breath probably stinks. "For all I know, you're a fuckin' cop!" he adds, patting him down repetitively. Why is this necessary?

"Obviously I'm not wearing a fucking wire you paranoid-" before Faye could even finish her sentence, her head was banged against the wall and I watched the wall behind her crack. I wanted to laugh so bad but it was evil. This bald dude does not play AT ALL.

"Hey!" Custard tried sticking up for his girlfriend, only to be treated the same way. "Hey, hey, she didn't do shit- I'm just trying to tell y-" BOOM another head tap. DAYUM. Let me stop before he does it to me next, I stayed quiet. The room fell into silence for 5 seconds.

"Come on man, everyone get naked, let's go!" he reminded us. "Hurry, lets go!!" he began dancing around the room like a psycho, all of us slowly cooperating. Faye was the first to undress, taking off her shirt and everything.

Custard dropped his pants, Fez took off his shirt. My eyes stayed on Fez until he caught me looking at his body. Wrong time, I thought to myself.

"Don't got all fuckin' night!" he said, giving me a death glare. I slowly reached down for my pants, removing them first. Then my shirt. My head was all disorganized, I was unsure of how to react in this situation, but I knew this guy was not messing around. Even Fez got undressed, clearly he meant business.

Everybody was eventually naked, however, Rue would not budge. The bald man walked over to her, a threatening stance to say the least. "You didn't hear what the fuck I said?" he pushed. Her body was shaking and I felt my heart racing for her. "Uhh, no- it's just... I'm in highschool, and-" AH COME ON RUE!

He grabbed her by the arm and began taking her away to another room, causing Fez to move from his spot against the wall in a protective way. "Yo, yo HOLD ON MAN-"
"WOAH THERE pretty boy, I'll FOLD yo shit right here!"

"Never met a fuckin doped out hooker this afraid to take her clothes off!" I heard the bald man faintly harassing Rue from a distance down the hall.

This shit is crazy. I wish she would have just listened and took her clothes off the first time. Then I heard the shower running.

"...FOLD yo shit..."
Okay, now this dude is being extra.

Another moment of silence. "Ayo, what the fuck is going on back there yo?" the blonde man shouted out to the bald one, trying to figure out what was taking them so long. "Hurry the fuck up!"

I didn't bother using anything to cover my body, I was fully exposed at this point and waiting for whatever else they had in store for us. We all just need to make it out of here alive, at the very least.

"PJ, we good?" Baldy asked, escorting Rue back into the main room after checking to make sure she wasn't wearing a wire. "Yeah, we good. Kid had a glock on him" he mentions.

I stood there naked, doing my best not to think about the blonde dude staring at me. Fez must have noticed too because he was staring right back at him with death in his eyes.

"So now what?" Laurie questions, causing me to look over at her. She was now standing up, eyeing all of us down and talking normally like that entire fiasco didn't just happen. Such a monotone voice... this bitch is definitely a nut.

"Heyyy, Laurie" Custard's dumbass waves at her. All 5 of us was lined up in the kitchen, naked. Except for Rue, she was fully clothed again. "It's really good to see you again. Um- I... I wanted to introduce you to a super dope friend of mine, m-my boy Fez-" NAH THIS IS RIDICULOUS. NO WAY THIS IS A REAL SITUATION. "He's like... he's fire 🔥 ... like..."

Custard trailed off, unable to formulate any further explanation. We are literally all naked standing in somebody's kitchen. Finally, Laurie speaks up with a question. "Where's Mouse?" she asks simply, making my heart drop. Dead, I thought to myself.

All of us collectively looked at Fez at the same time. "You think, I could like... put my drawls on and... talk to you in the other room for a sec?" he asked rather calmly. She shook her head as if to say no, then she said "yes."

𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣

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