Chapter 8

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I was so excited I was jumping on my seat. Looking through the window, I could already see the beautiful landscape of Slovenia, often called "the Green lung of Europe". And I understood why now. I couldn't wait to discover the country!

As soon as we landed, Katrina and I grabbed our bags, and we raced to the exit (I was the one winning the race). I was so shocked of Ljubljana's hot air! Actually in the North of France, it's raining and raining and raining...

Katrina instantly noticed Kris. Of course, he was taller than everybody. Her face just lit up and she smiled brighter than ever. Just as her, I rushed in this direction, assuming that Jure must not be far. And I was right.

I saw immediately his goofy smile. He opened his arms, and I ran even faster to be with him. He nearly fell as I ran into him, but we just laughed.

"Good morning moja ljubezen," he said with his typical smile. Loved it. "Journey was good?"

"Really good! I got to see a bit of Slovenia as we landed, I'm really excited to see more of it!"

"That's nice then, I wanted to show you a bit while you're there."

He kissed me. Oh man I didn't realise I missed him that much. But now it felt so good to be here, far from home. The feeling in my stomach was the same as the first time, the butterflies flying around, making me feel this euphoria once again. I smiled against his lips. As we pulled apart, we couldn't help but stare in each other eyes, surely with a dumb smile on. He tucked a lock of my hair that fell from my ponytail back behind my ear. He was so soft in his gestures (sure you couldn't guess that at the first look) – he was a real gentleman.

He took my hand as he turned to see Katrina. I loved seeing how friends both of them are, not only because they are drummers with the same passion for music, but just as human beings that clicked together.

"Hey Katrina!" He exclaimed, while she turned, a big smile on.

"Hi friend!" She said, taking him in a hug, while I went to hug Kris too. I really love hugs. But mostly I really love those peoples.

We went to the car, and as usual Jure was driving (sometimes I believe he must have been a Formula 1 pilot in another life), so I sat next to him while Kris and Katrina went behind.

I was observing the city, as I think I'm gonna spend quite a lot of time here. At least I hope so! I really want to get familiar with the country. And maybe during those 3 days I can practise a bit my Slovenian. Even if I only started to learn a month ago.

We soon were out of the city and drove to the country side. It was green everywhere! I mean, with my studies I'm used to big cities, so it changes when I go to the country side. And it's just wonderful.

Jure parked in front of a big house. I met Katrina's gaze, and we just shrugged together, not really knowing what we are doing there.

"It's Bojan's parent's house," explained Kris when we arrived. I nodded. "They're really welcoming and accept us pretty much every time we want time off," he smiled.

"That's nice!" I said, excitedly. Because that meant the rest of the band was there and I could give more hugs (even though I knew Jure wouldn't refuse any of my hugs).

I followed Jure, who entered without even knowing. I assume it must be like a second home for the band. We went through the house and went to the backyard, where we saw all of our friends, plus surely Bojan's relatives. As soon as we stepped out, Katrina and I were taken in a big hug from Jan.

"Girls!" he exclaimed joyfully. Actually, that's weird of him to show so much enthusiasm, but that was funny. I answered happily to the hug.

After that, I went to hug Nace (who made me fly). That was really fun, given to the fact that usually it's me who does that to Jure! And then I greeted Bojan – who was wearing a crown, certainly given by his sister who was grinning behind him. He's truly the BBQ king. I swear he's such a Balkan stereotype! He made me laugh with technique to cook sausages.

I missed them so much. I now realise how much they meant to me. In three weeks, they became part of the family.

Bojan introduce me and Katrina to his family. They really seemed so sweet, and really loving and supportive family.

We all sit around the table and eat like it was a family gathering. A total new experience for me. And I really appreciated it.

At the end of the day, Katrina had a new violin. I could see how happy and thankful she was. I knew she already considered Bojan's mother hight than our own mother. It was sad, but I think family you create is more important that blood lines.

After dropping Katrina and Kris to his flat, Jure drove a bit, as night was falling. Where we stopped, there was absolutely nobody.

Jure took a big bag from the boot, as I was staring at him with a surprised look. I really didn't know what he had planned.

"Come on, follow me!" He took my hand and I followed him, smiling as much as I could.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see really soon!" And he accelerated, forcing me to walk faster to keep with his pace. "There, perfect," he muttered.

He put the backpack down, and pulled out a big cover, putting it on the ground. He sat on it, and gestured for me to do so. So I sat next to him, still not sure what to do.

"Look up," he said softly, while he intertwined our fingers.

I lifted up my head.

I was totally mesmerized. I never saw the stars that clearly in the sky. They were shining like diamonds, and we could see a bit of the Milky Way. It was totally incredible.

"Woa..." I just blowed out, not able to look away from such natural beauty. "It's... amazing."

"I knew you would like that!" He grinned, taking me closer to him. "Look! There's shooting stars!"

"You must make a wish then," I smiled, looking at him.

He took his thinking face. I always laugh when he was thinking, he seemed so serious at those times! He closed his eyes for a second, and then looked back at me, with a thin smile.

"I found it."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I mustn't tell you or it'll never gonna be true!" He exclaimed.

"Oh yes, right, I forgot about this part. Another one!" I pointed.

"Your turn then."

"I already know!" I exclaimed proudly. I closed my eyes and prayed. It was an easy, maybe even common wish. I just wanted to be with the people I loved for the rest of my life. As I opened my eyes, I glanced at Jure.

He was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Hello... i'm sorry my publishing rhythm is really dropping...

I'm facing a big writer block right now :/ Fortunately I planned all this fanfiction, because if not I wouldn't be able to write at all. You guys are my only motivation to get this done!

Hopefully you are here :) Love you!

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