Chapter 14

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In Route 35, we are training our Pokemon until we feel something by our side. Lillie asks, "Ash? Did you see something that is flying around me?"

I look closer to find that it is a Yanma. I say, "It's a Yanma. It's a speedy Pokemon."

Much to our surprise, Yanma then flies over and steals my hat. "My hat!" I yell as we chase the Yanma to the nearby town. When Yanma suddenly beats its wings, all the glass in the town breaks.

"Why is it doing this?" East asks. "This is not right..."

It turns out that Team Rocket is using the Yanma to make a profit with the glasses. They are making another scam and we decide to stop them, they want us to hand over Pikachu unless Yanma continues to destroy the glasses, we are forced to hold back, but without them noticing, I throw a Pokeball at Yanma. It turns out that they haven't captured the Yanma yet.

"Hey!" The trio is furious and they send out Victreebel and Arbok. I have Yanma use Sonic Boom to defeat them and send them blasts off. We also return the profits to the townspeole.

Yanma: The Clear Wing Pokémon: Bug and Flying Type. If it flaps its wings really fast, it can generate shock waves that will shatter windows in the area.

And while we're doing some training, our Wooper evolves into a Quagsire.

Quagsire: The Water Fish Pokemon: Water and Ground Type. Evolved from Wooper at LV:20. Due to its relaxed and carefree attitude, it often bumps its head on boulders and boat hulls as it swims.

As we continue to walk on the road, we find a trainer as he says, "Excuse me, kid! I received this letter the other day from a friend of mine. Here is the reply I wrote. I'm stuck here and was wondering if you could deliver it... He's on Route 31. Can you help a guy out?"

"Sure." Ethan asks. "What is it?"

"Wow, thanks!" Then we get a Spearow named Kenya, and the man says, "My friend is on Route 31. Oh, yeah. There was a weird tree blocking the road. I wonder if it's been cleared?"

Once we go to Route 31, they find the man, and he says, "Huh? I feel like reading some words on a piece of paper or something..."

As they show Kenya the Spearow to him, he says, "Let's see...Thank you for your Mail. It was such an exciting adventure. I didn't like Zubat, though..." That is what it says. I went to a dark Cave the other day with a friend. The cave leads to another route. By the way, I must thank you for being so kind."

"No problem." When we leave, East also captures his own Skiploom at Route 32. Once we get back to Route 35, the man says, "Thank you for making the delivery! ...What about a cave exploration? Ah, you can go right through here. I want you to have this for your kindness!"

He gives us an HP up, and he adds, "My pal was snoozing, right? Heh, he's always sleeping."

After that, we continued their training, and both East and my Hoothoot evolved, much to our delight. Reisa says, "Now it really is a Shiny Noctowl..."

"It is so cool after all." I say.

Noctowl: The Owl Pokemon: Normal and Flying Type. Evolved from Hoothoot at LV:20. Its eyes are specially adapted. They concentrate even faint light and enable it to see in the dark.

Then we arrive at the Pokéathlon Dome. Reisa says, "Wow, this place is so big."

"Indeed. This place is actually cool." I say.

"Muhaha!" Just then, a man walks towards us, and he says, "I feel it! The twinkle in your eyes! The twinkle of friendship! You're quite something. Your Pikachu is quite a Pokemon! It's ready to participate in the Pokeathlon, bud! Most of all, your solidarity with and trust in Pokemon makes me believe in infinite potential! All right. Follow me!"

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