Chapter 31

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With an intense ride on our flying types, we finally arrived at Goldenrod City. We all head into the large Contest Hall, it is actually the same one that I got my second ribbon from.

"Let's register for our Johto Grand Festival entry." Reisa says.

"Of course." And just when we get there, we also find Irena, who has also come to partake in the Grand Festival.

"Looks like we're going to have a tough hard opponent to fight." I say.

"Just because you're the son of Aurora or the daughter of Wallace doesn't mean I'm going to lose to you, after all, I'm the daughter of Jasmine." Irena says.

The three of us manage to register our names, and then we also see Ariel. I ask, "So Silver's not coming?"

"Nope, he is not interested in those Contests." Ariel says.

"You know, I actually wanted to have an actual match with you." Reisa says to Ariel.

"I can give you a rematch if we manage to face each other in the Grand Festival, but you already know the result." Ariel says, and Reisa's eyes are now fired up.

Then we also meet Solidad, who says, "Well, Ash, it is nice to see you again, as well as you, Irena."

"Same, here." I say. "So you met Irena before?"

"My only two losses with the contests are you and her. Her Steelix is really good." Solidad says.

"I am flattered." Irena says with a smile.

When we are done, we are surprised to see Mom, Insey, and Leaf at the stadium as well.

"Mom! Insey! Leaf! Why are you here?" I ask while hugging them.

"Lillie called us, she says that you and Reisa are participating in the Grand Festival." My mom says. "And since I was here in Goldenrod, so I decide to come."

"I'm also surprised to see you here as well, Ariel." Leaf says.

"Same here, Leaf. You look happier since the last time we met." Ariel says.

After talking for a while, it is time for the opening ceremony. The MC introduces the judges, which are Mr. Suzukio, Mr. Contesta, 3 Nurse Joys, and much to their shock, Jasmine.

"No way...Mom is the judge..." Irena gasps.

"Looks like you've got a lot of pressure..." Reisa says. "I just hope that she won't favor you because you're her daughter."

"Of course not. Jasmine is always serious when it comes to contests." I say.

In the first appeal round, there are 300 contestants participating, the judges split into 3 and there will be 3 coordinators on the field. I'm assigned to Jasmine's field.

"Okay. Yanma, Noctowl! I chose you!"

I send out two Pokemon and start the performance. After showing their sparkle wind show, I decided to give an unusual ending.

"Noctowl! Use Confuse Ray in the sky! Yanma! Silver Wind!" The two Pokemon nod and they make an aurora light which is attractive to the crowd's eyes.

"That was special, using the flying moves like this." Nurse Joy says.

"I agree. He showed a great talent." Jasmine says.

Reisa is at the Mr. Suzukio's field, she uses Seaking and Starmie. They perform a water ballet which is similar to Misty's, but her style. She also gets the judge's compliments. Ariel uses Magcargo and Magmar, they show great fire to make the judges, Mr. Contesta, and Nurse Joy heat up. Irena uses her Steelix and Skarmory to spin like a diamond, which also makes the crowd and the judges admire the beauty.

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