Chapter 28

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When we arrive at Route 42, we arrive at a town named Eggster. Suddenly, we see a boy with an Arcanine pass by, and we know who the person is.

"Gary?" I ask.

Gary stops and says, "Woah, hi Ash."

"Hey, Gary. Cool Skateboard, and that Arcanine also looks good too." Lillie says. "You must have been training for a long time."

"So what are you doing here, Gary?" Reisa asks.

"I'm here for the big race." Gary says. "Time to go, Arcanine!"

"Hey! What is the big race?" I tried to ask him, but he had already left. We also notice a lot of people with skateboards, and the Pokemon are helping it move.

After having a meal, we meet a man named Mr. Shellby and he tells us that the race is called the Extreme Pokemon. It is a popular sport in this town. Each trainer rides a skateboard tied with the special Pokemon and races to the finish line. Tomorrow is the best part of the competition, the Championship event. People come to watch the race from miles and miles.

"I wonder if Gary will win the competition." Ethan says.

"I don't think so. I'm going to take part in this competition as well." I say.

"But don't you need practice? I mean, the other trainers have been practicing this for months." East says. "And we don't have the right equipment."

"You're right..." I frown. But Mr. Shellby decides to help us out and he takes us to the local Pokemon Day Care where he operates. He lends us his old skateboard for the upcoming race. I decide to try it out first, and Ethan asks, "How did Ash go really fast?"

"Well, he did have training with Mark after all." Lillie says. I remember how many times Mark dragged me to skateboarding, good old memories.

It is then Gary arrives, and he says, "So you can't even turn away from a challenge, do you?"

"What if I am?" I ask. "Don't think I'm going easy on you when we compete." I say.

"Of course, you've gotta give it all you got." Gary says. "But there's still no chance to beat me. Me and Arcanine that is."

I feel rage in my body as I really want to defeat him. Kris asks, "So have you decided what Pokemon you're going to use?"

"I'm going to use Meganium." I say as I send it out for practice, and it is actually doing pretty good. It is then Mr. Shellby comes to me and tells me another condition of the race.

"I brought you this Dummy Egg for you to practice. Halfway through the race, you have to carry it to the finish line." I understand and I decide to return to my training session, now with the Dummy Egg in my hand.

The next day, it is the race. The announcer explains that the competitors will make their way through the winding Eggster Valley however they like, where the Shellby Ranch marks the first stop. Participants must then pick up a dummy Egg and race back to the starting line, concluding the event.

When the race began, Meganium and I just went. Soon, a Trainer's Scyther soars into the air, knocking several contestants off their boards. Several competitors including Gary and I emerge from the subsequent dust cloud and continue racing ahead.

I see that Gary is ahead of me, so I tell Meganium to speed up. But if we're doing something it has to be interrupted by Team Rocket for no other reason after all. They trap Gary's Arcanine in the net.

"I wonder where will be a time when those three decide to leave us alone?" I mutter.

"Meganium, launch me to the balloon." Meganium nods as she helps me jump up, and then I use the skateboard to pierce the balloon. But fortunately, we land in font of Shellby's house, and I'm glad to see Arcanine safe.

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