Chapter 3

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Sophie looked at Dex with an expression words could not describe. 

Sophie held the imparter back up to her ear and spoke to Edaline, "I'll be there soon." and touched the red button on the small screen to end the call.

"Oh gosh. Oh my Gnome! Why does he think he can just show up out of the blue at my house? It's honestly kinda cute, but still!" Sophie looked at Dex who looked back at her very confused.

"Dex! What am I gonna do?" Sophie started to panic as she paced around Dex's large room.

After many laps of Sophie's pacing, 7, to be exact, Dex spoke, "You did say you were going to be there soon..."

Sophie stopped pacing and turned to Dex. 

"I guess you're right. I just have to go see him."

"Sophie you look worried." Dex said as he cautiously walked over to her.

"Of course I'm worried! The boy that just dumped me for something that I can't control decides to show up at my house unannounced! How couldn't I be worried, Dex?"

Dex took another cautious step towards her so that they were a foot apart. 

"I guess you're right, there's no way you wouldn't be worried."

Sophie sighed. "I guess I better skedaddle on out of here..."

Before she walked away, Dex wrapped her in a bear hug.

"For good luck," he explained.

"Thank you." Sophie said.

"Anytime," Dex replied, "and I'm serious, if he does or says anything else, just press your panic switch."

"Dex, I doubt that'll happen, and even if it does, I can handle myself," Sophie pointed to her forehead, "inflictor, remember?" 

"Right, well just incase." Dex said.

Sophie stepped back from their hug and walked towards the door. She got halfway to through the thick icy doorway before Dex stopped her.

"Wait! Let me walk you to the Leapmaster."

They walked in silence as they weaved through the icy hallways adorned with family portraits and important looking scroll until they reached the Leapmaster 250.

Dex gave her one last hug. 

"Good luck."

"I don't need luck, I'm the moonlark."


Sophie quietly crept down the stairs to her room. She checked her reflection in the mirror and went downstairs to find Fitz sitting on a white couch across from Edaline, looking quite uncomfortable. His hands were on his knees, his fingers nervously tapping his leg. He was wearing some sort of sports uniform, his face was red and sweaty, as if he had just came back from one of his rigorous morning runs.

 He was wearing some sort of sports uniform, his face was red and sweaty, as if he had just came back from one of his rigorous morning runs

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