Chapter 7

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Sophie tried looking away, but found herself stuck in those teal eyes. He wasn't even looking at her. He didn't have to, frankly. He could be crying his eyes out and still look fantastic. It took Fitz a moment, but he eventually did notice Sophie, and when he did, he stopped talking to the other boys. His cheeks turned a dark red as he telepathically said: 

Do you want to talk?

Um, maybe somewhere else...

Fitz walked towards her as her parents slowly backed away into the large doors, leading to the colorful front lawn. Fitz's colorfully-adorned teammates walked right past them, giving each other many sideways glances before heading into the boys' locker room. 

Come on, Fitz said, waving his hand to signify that Sophie follow him. A red armband was around his left arm, with elven runes on it. It took her a second, but Sophie eventually read the word "Captain" in all red ink. As they walked through the crystal hallways, Sophie wondered where in the school they were. They had taken so many twists and turns that she had lost track of where they were. With the red banners, she figured they were in the Level Five hall, but Sophie noticed no saber-toothed tigers printed amuck the red banners. After several right turns and exactly 5 left turns, they ended up at a plain wooden door, the most boring door she had seen in Foxfire in all her time there. 

"You've never been down here, have you?" Fitz asked out loud.

Sophie wasn't quite ready for words, so she simply shook her head and twiddled with her fingers behind her back, forcing them to not rip out all the eyelashes adorning her eyelids. 

Fitz opened the door to reveal a large banquet-sized room covered in bits of ice, some parts had scattered papers, seemingly have been swept up by an imaginary wind. There were desks full of gadgets and gizmos, some not unlike the ones she'd seen on Dex's desk at his house. An enormous swimming pool with glittering water sat in the back, with buckets stacked precariously on the side. Books of all languages, including human languages, sat on a short bookshelf in the corner by the desks of gizmos. Random objects sat on an identical shelf in a random order right next to the first shelf. In the middle of the room, there were scorch marks, as if someone had been electrocuted. Atop these scorch marks sat dozens of basic chairs, fancier than human school chairs, but basic for elven standards. They seemed to be in no particular order, except each one was facing another, as if students had left the chairs from a partner activity. 

"What is this room?" Sophie asked, still taking in all the sights to behold.

Fitz pointed to a red banner hanging from the wall opposite the door they had entered from: "Ability detecting." 

"Wow." Sophie said, still unsure what to make of the situation. 

"I thought I'd bring you here, since you never got to test for abilities." Fitz said, glancing down at her short frame. 

"What do they test you for in here?" 

"Everything except pyrokinesis." Fitz said, walking to the wall with shelves. He pulled out four books, each written in a different language: French, Russian, Dwarven, and Gaelic. 

"What's that for?" Sophie asked, sitting in the chair closest to the shelf where Fitz stood.

"Thought you could test to see if I'm a Polygot." Fitz said with a smile on his face. He sat down and handed the books to Sophie.

"I don't need those. I already know all these languages, remember?" Sophie said, tapping her temple. 

Fitz put the book down on the floor next to the chair closest to Sophie and sat in it.

"Then ask me something in French." Fitz said, challenging her. 

"Um, ok... Quand est ton anniversaire?" Sophie asked.

"Isn't it November 12th in human months?" Fitz asked, a devious grin crawling up his face. (I could not find her birthday, but I've heard people say it's in November, and I like the number 12...)

"How'd you do that?" Sophie asked, clearly confused.

"You told me your birthday in a trust exercise once, and my father made me learn French when I started looking for you."

"Wow. How about..." Sophie put down the French book and picked up the blue Russian book. "На каком континенте находится мой дом?" 

"North America," Fitz said, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. 

"Your father teach you Russian, too?" Sophie guessed, getting more amused. 

"Yes," Fitz said. "Yes he did."

Sophie quickly picked up the Gaelic book, dropping the blue Russian book on the floor next to the fallen French book.

"Cé mhéad seomra atá ag do theach?" Sophie said with a perfect accent.

"147, minus the addition of Alvar's sorry excuse for a home."

"Let me guess," Sophie said, leaning forward ever so slightly. "Your father taught you this one too?" 

Fitz shook his head with quite the smug grin. "I actually taught this one to myself." 

"And should I even ask why you know how many rooms your house has?" Sophie asked, leaning forward even more. 

Fitz leaned forward and shrugged, "You get bored when Sophie Foster isn't blowing up the school or stopping rebel causes." 

They were so close, they wouldn't have to move much. 

Not even a half inch. 

Not even. 

The possibly half an inch was closed by both of them at the same time. Sophie felt a familiar sensation, as if she were back in her dream. The  beautiful sensation disappeared all too soon, along with her and everything around her.

Have ya'll seen Fitz's portrait for the graphic novel? It's the cover of this chapter, in case you didn't notice. This is by far one of my top five Fitz works I've seen. They really did him dirty in the cover, and I'm glad to see they figured out how to draw him. Also, Doja Cat released her new album, Scarlett. I haven't heard it yet, but I'm looking forward to it. 3 chapters will be posted on Wednesday, if not, 2. 930 words for this chapter. I know, a little short, but ya'll are in for a treat. It feel like content Christmas with the new KotLC graphic novel portraits, Doja Cat's Album, and Olivia Rodrigo's new album. I can't wait for November (graphic novel release). Stay sane until then, friends!


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