Chapter 4

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The picture is exactly what happens in a few sentences and oh my gnome, it is pretty! This is my favorite kotlc fanart. It's by Spacialrift. Go check out their instagram. All their art is so good. Here's the stroy btw, if you came here to read it or whatever. uwu 

Sophie and Fitz were laying on Sophie's bed in Sophie's enormous bedroom. They were side by side, Sophie with her hands neatly folded across her stomach and Fitz with both arms underneath his neck, acting as a pillow. They lay there watching the sun set over the cliffs and the pterodactyls flying through the air. 

Sophie sat up and Fitz quickly did the same.

"What's wrong, Soph?"

"We should watch the sunset from the cliffs," she said, her eyes not leaving the cliffs.

"Ok." Fitz said while getting off the bed and offering his hand to Sophie. She took it and he pulled her off the bed so hard that Sophie fell. Sophie grabbed his shoulders in an attempt to brace herself while Fitz grabbed her waist before she could fall. 

Sophie looked up to see Fitz's grinning face.

"Stop being so charming," Sophie said while staring into the depths of his teal eyes. They were like the world's deepest and brightest pool. 

"Never," Fitz said, grabbing one of her hands and spinning her dance-style.

With the hand Fitz had spun her with, he gently pulled her with him to the door of her bedroom. 

"Slow down, Fitz!"

Fitz looked back at her with the face of an innocent child. 

"We'll miss the sunset if we don't hurry!"

With that, Fitz practically skipped down the stairs with Sophie tripping down most of them. The two passed Edaline and Grady looking confused as the two cognates sprinted for the pastures. They ran out the door and saw the sunset almost over. They shared a quick glance before sprinting, hand in hand down to the cliffs. They skidded to a stop at the edge of the cliffs and sat down, unable to take their eyes from the breath-taking views. The ocean was a shimmering teal, the deep oranges and pinks of the sunset reflecting onto the crashing waves below. 

An idea suddenly burst into Sophie's head. She grabbed Fitz's hand, which was sweaty from their dash through the pastures, and stood up. Without any further warning, Sophie ran with Fitz slightly behind her. She leaped off the cliffs and they tumbled in their free fall. A thunderous crack filled the sky as they burst into the void.

"Where are we going?" Fitz said, out of breath. 

"You'll see." Sophie said with a grin. She pictured the caves below the cliffs, where she had been kidnapped. Another thunderous crash soon followed, and they fell down on the soft sand inside the cave.

"I thought I would get us as close to it as possible," Sophie said, quickly walking out of the cave with Fitz's sweaty hand in hers. 

They exited the gloomy cave to find the prettiest sunset Sophie had ever seen. It looked fresh out of a Disney movie. If it were in a movie, there would be an orchestral masterpiece playing in the background, and a Disney princess singing an inspirational song.

Fitz pulled Sophie ahead and towards the small beach. 

"I've never seen a sunset this pretty before." Fitz thoughtfully remarked.

"Really? I thought all the sunsets were like this, since there's no air pollution, like in the Forbidden Cities." Sophie confusedly pointed out.

"I know, but look at the water," Fitz pointed to the shimmering waves rushing against their boots. Sophie turned her head to see the shimmering waves and was pushed into the water from behind. 

"Hey!" Sophie said as she dragged her soaking body out of the cold ocean and ran after Fitz. Little did he know that he was heading straight towards a dead end. Sophie chased Fitz up until the sharp rocks that towered over them and used her telekinesis to pick him up. 

"Woah! Stop! Stop!" Fitz started to squeal like a little girl as Sophie pushed him out into the ocean, deep enough to where only his head would be poking out of the water. Without any hesitation, she dropped him into the ocean. His head poked out of the water. He started swimming long strokes until he walked back to the shore, where Sophie was laughing uncontrollably. His usually chocolate brown hair had turned a dark brown and was flat against his forehead. His clothes hung off him, dripping with water. He unclasped his heavy, waterlogged cape and threw it to the soft sand.

"How dare you?" Fitz exclaimed, marching over to Sophie and picking her up bridal style.

"How dare you throw me in the water!" He tossed Sophie back into the waves with a wide smile creeping onto his face.

And it kept going, Sophie throwing Fitz into the water with her telekinesis and Fitz tossing her into the water with his bare hands, because he found it more satisfying. The sun had long set before they decided to stop their little water fight.

Too tired to continue, Sophie crawled out of the cold ocean waves and laid down on the sand next to Fitz. Her clothes were soaked and cold thanks to the frigid temperatures of the ocean. 

"We should probably go back to the house, Fitz." Sophie said as she turned her head to look at Fitz. He had his eyes closed, and his chest rose rapidly with each exhausted breath. 

"I would if I could move," he said in-between deep breaths. "I think this is it for me. This is how Fitz Vacker dies." Fitz said jokingly.

"Well, Fitzroy," Sophie said, exaggerating his legal name, "This isn't how Sophie Foster dies."

Sophie slowly stood up and outstretched her hand to pull Fitz up. Sophie underestimated how heavy he was and she came tumbling down on top of him as she tried to pull him up. Fitz let out an 'oof' as Sophie fell on him.

"On second thought, I think we'll be staying here tonight." Sophie said with a yawn.

"Fine by me. As long as we don't get swallowed by the tide." Fitz agreed.

Sophie soon fell into a deep and restful sleep to the sounds of the waves crashing onto the shore and Fitz's steady breath.


Sophie woke up on the floor of her bedroom, wrapped in blankets. 

Strange... Sophie thought. I thought I fell asleep with Fitz by the cliffs... 

Sophie sat up from her cocoon of blankets and looked outside. She was greeted by a shimmering night sky filled with dozens of stars. Her hands moved to her eyes, to wipe away the sand in her eyes. She instead greeted by dried up tears on her cheeks trailing all the way down to her neck, which was sore from sleeping at an odd angle. She walked into her bathroom, very confused on why she had been on her floor crying in her sleep. She glanced in the mirror and did a double take. She was wearing the clothes she had been wearing when Fitz broke up with her two nights before! She ran across the bathroom to the shower and found that her shampoo supply was full. This couldn't be, she thought. I used all of it when I took a shower last night... unless...

She was dreaming.

Don't you just love cliff hangers! I sure do ;) Yes, I know, this chapter is a tad late, but to my defense I work better at night. This chapter has the most words at 1210 not including this message. This Chapter of The Insider is brought to you by coffee. A caffeinated beverage for when you feel like butt. Until next time folks!

The Insider ~ A Fitzphie FanFic KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now