The Greatest Gift.

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Audrey Harris

"Serena what the fuck am I looking at right now?"'

"That would be a plane ticket babe."

"I can see that!" I snap back, "It flies out tomorrow?!" My voice shrill.

"Audrey! This is supposed to be a good thing! It's exciting, you're gonna see the love of your life and surprise him on his birthday!" Serena practically cheers on the other side of the phone.

"The love of my life?" I squeak out, eyes wider than planets.

Serena laughs, loudly, at that. "Are you trying to deny it? You are hopelessly in love with him."

Choosing to ignore her words and the flutter of my heart I start to pace around my bedroom. "B-but what about the store? And Teddy! I don't even have anything packed, I can't go." I shake my head in denial.

This is insane, I can't go. We didn't plan this, he's not expecting me, too many things can go horribly wrong. I can't risk it. What if he doesn't want me there. I quickly shake that thought, remembering how he was practically begging to see me when we talked on the phone the other night.

"He'll be so happy to see you Audie. I promise." Serena says softly, like she was able to read my panicked thoughts.

Serena and I's relationship, while it may look a little different, will always be a strong one. As much as I hate to admit it, she really does know me like the back of her hand. I don't even have to say anything and she'll already have some kind of rebuttal waiting for me. I could never not need her.

"And besides, we talked about this! Give me one good reason why we shouldn't do this? I have everything planned out it's gonna work out perfectly Aud." Serena continues.

"Okay, first of all, that conversation was partially fueled by high emotions and majority fueled by half a bottle of red wine. That's not fair!"

Serena is referring to the conversation I had had with her last week on the phone. One I am not entirely proud of having, but I can't take back my words now.

"Seri. This is never going to work. I hate this." I practically sob to her on facetime.

Serena's eyes widen in shock, "Woah, Audie, slow down. What's going on babe?"

Faintly I can hear Alex in the background, ignoring her concerned voice, I spill out all my fears to Serena in a drunken spiel.

"I think we're gonna break up." I sniffle, "I don't know if I can keep doing this. Serena what the hell am I doing? Why did I even think this would work?"

"Audrey, what happened? Talk to me please." She pleads worriedly.  

"H-he called me today. Like he usually does. He wouldn't stop talking about how stressed out he is, I dunno, I thought I was trying to help! I just wanted him to talk it out not keep going on and on about how horrible it all is. And- And then he said something about how I don't actually care about him? I don't even know. Serena this is horrible." I cry.

Serena sits in shock, "When did this happen? "

"Two days ago, we haven't talked since..." I smush my face into the pillow next to me and groan out in frustration.

"Babe... I really don't think you guys are gonna break up over this. I know it's hard, but I know he's also having a really hard time without you here. I've wished you were here for years now, I think it's just gonna take some time for you guys to adjust and settle into a good routine and everything. It's gonna be okay Audie." Serena says empathetically before she lights up.

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